Day 2,664, 18:56 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins
I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl
I'm a backroom sinner at a tent revival
But she believes in me like she believes her bible
And loves me like Jesus does

SCAM proceeds upgrade some old players training grounds

Well nothing lasts forever and when it comes to SCAM funds you can mutiply that by 20. Getting SCAMMED is intensive and maybe intrusive, depends how horny I am at the moment. This month some Old f*cks sponsered a random f*ckr from the SFP. I won't mention names that's up to the individual, I'm just saying us Ol'FUs aren't hung on party titles, we are equal oppurtunity and if you aren't an Oh F'U, you are doing it wrong. If you do everything right you have no worries.

Goals are a great challenge. My last article SCAMMED 5500cc and I want to beat that. It was largely thanks to an anonymous German donor I thank with all my heart, but damn America, you can beat that. If you haven't been SCAMMED fully and for everything you haven't been SCAMMED right.

The repeat, my account is technically dead, I do not even 2-click. Every endorsement or donation to this account goes directly into the SCAM program 100% with no confusion. Endorse endorse and send.

and most wickedly I did as I sailed
Kaptain Kidd