Russian Diplomacy

Day 812, 20:13 Published in China USA by Turd Fergusen

I understand your most recent president wished to reach out to Phoenix occupiers and engage in talks to possibly negotiate the return of some of your regions, and to be more neutral in world affairs.

After raping your lands for well over a year I would have thought that you guys learned your lesson in regards to negotiating with PEACE/PHOENIX for you lands back...but you did anyway.

Well here is Phoenix's answer to your negotiations:

Russia doesn't care about China. Hungary doesn't give a sh*t about China. They just want their precious high iron.
EDEN does care about China. We spent thousands of gold to liberate you from Indonesia, Iran, and others, and will spend thousands more when the time arises. We will continue to defend you as we are at the moment.

I don't mean to berate you, or guilt you into being more appreciative of our sacrifices.
Just remember who your true friends are, China.