Roby Petric New Article Translation

Day 371, 12:41 Published in USA Croatia by logomaster304

This is a rough Translation of Roby Petrics New Article:

Since the admin potiho announced the creation of Croatia and is expected soon, and official confirmation, the time to start something to do, because every day eHrvatska us all closer, and all together, nothing delamo. Therefore I am pretty skepal this tekstić, so that we can later argue about it, did you divide tasks, and finally begin to work, lest foreigners who came to his homeland.

The strategy is divided into two important things you must do good to be managed to establish a government and functioning of state institutions in the country novostvorenoj, as well as ensure a sufficient number of people that would be managed to create and maintain state

A) The Government and Institutions

But now should begin work on the establishment of the Government, ministries and institutions necessary for normal functioning state. Now, to begin work "in the shadow" and would only be moved in eHrvatsku and continue to function in the new environment.

To this, should establish a 4 key ministries, and begin to work in them:

1) The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare

This ministry will take care of economic and social matters important for the development of eHrvatske. The first task has already been placed as a topic - a list of all companies in the Croatian-owned and schedule that the company will migrate to Croatia, and that will remain in the JAR in the market.

When it determines, you will determine the initial taxes per sector, taxes on income and VAT and (VAT) per sector. This ministry should be given and what kind of proposal would import taxevi in certain sectors at the beginning.

The idea is that in this kind of a ministry for and participate more people who will have the will to work independently and give suggestions Congress and the President about improving the economy of the country.

Under the authority of the Ministry will be:

Croatian National Bank - it will serve to regulate monetary market, as the bank that will keep state money and be easily accessible for any government intervention in the economy (licenses, loans, putting money in circulation, etc.).

The "Healthy Life" - a program that will serve for purchase napucavanje giftovima people who need help most, especially novopridošlima in the game, which should be much more with the arrival of Croatia. This program is activated especially in times when you get to the bad state of the market gift and it is regulated market gift. This program can serve as "Medic" program in a time when our units of the fight went out of service in state

2) The Ministry of Defense and national security

The main thing in this ministry is of course - the army and defend the country. The first thing you should do is create a structure of the army. Since we are small, my suggestion is to start with the creation of two units, say gradijske Brigade, in which would be raspodijelili by half the people who now have a skillovima. How are new people came, they should just throw in the regular army until you reach a certain skill, and then switch them in Guards Brigade (for example, all the skill higher than 4.00 would be in the Guards Brigade, remained in the Army). So to help you manage the people and give commands through a chain imperative.

Thing you would like to have the elite units, special units which will not satojati of a large number of people (5-10), which will be able to move quickly and go on the field, especially in the event that our belonging to one of the alliance's military agrees to .

People will have to be regrutirani in HV as soon as they register in the game. The reason for this is that we so easily have a database of people who have at their disposal. For the ministry to agree to form a web through which people will enter a nick and join the army. The main is that the people in this way force to train once more, and every day to have that much faster when stronger army.

When people reach a skill 4.00, contact themselves in the Guards Brigade, regrutacijski center will worry about it and inform people about it from time to time. It would be nice to support and a good weapon, or tak nekaj, and we will see by how the state will have money at their disposal, or make a profit.

And with respect to national security, even if we were little, we must all be informed about things that are happening around us in the world and in their homeland. An example of the Slovenes, who were too skužili that they were Indosi ugurali in the country and took over 50% in Congress. Secret service, or KAK as you will be under the authority of Ministry of Defense and national security and will work closely with the army.

3) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Each country must have good contacts with the other, or when several other states. Tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be odrađivati diplomatic affairs at the official level and neslužbenoj.

My desire is that we have as many as official ambassadors in other countries. For it will not have to live in these countries, but only have a good friendly contacts with these countries, and ambassadors will simultaneously keep track of what is going on in these countries and to inform those who believe that the information is needed (for example, if you say Ambassador to Greece to see has a constant shortage of grain on the market, notify the Ministry of Labor, maybe we can profit from this, or our privatnici, or if Ambassador to Ireland načuje that Irish people are planning to work takeover in Hungary, then this information secret service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. ).

Ambassador will of course have to work only and exclusively in the interests of the Republic of Croatia.

4) The Ministry of Education

This ministry would be crucial in aid and the realization of a large number of players who would we be able to "bury" the head of action to promote eRepublika. That would actually have to be a ministry, "writing tutorials" and helping novopridošlim members. They should not say how many will survive eHrvatske depend on how many people came in the game and more - how many people we will fail to keep in the game.

In order to facilitate maximum people that come into play, should be the forum to write tutorials, from those initial "first step in eRepubliku", and continue to operate in the details and steps. People who will come to us in the beginning must be integrated as soon as possible in the game and become aware of situations where we are and they must all be enabled practically on a platter. "

Along with writing and adding tutorials, this ministry should be represented in the media, and publish articles that new people allow easy orientation. and the presidential message which we will vote, which must contain more information and links that people can easily understand what the word

Two additional programs that should work in this ministry by my idea are:

"Older brother" - a program in which every member novopridošli get older brother or older members that he will be available through for example the first week and through the PM's MSN and explain the game and answer his questions. We are all a start from scratch and we know how important such assistance. Also, these people that "education" after the "older brothers" to someone else, and they will be with each new turom odgojenih people extend base

"Exchanging gift" - this does not have to explain specifically, the majority know what it is, it is important only in the first tutorijalima give people information about it and open the topic at the forum, and after that there shall be aggregated and dogovoaraju gift exchange. Also, do not have to explain how people who are more senior wellness in the production and in the army.

😎 Insurance dovoljnog number of people

Key point of survival in eHrvatskoj is to ensure a sufficient number of people who will be citizens of the Republic of Croatia. Even before we worked actions, and only now is a lot easier because you do not send mroaju more invajtovi, registration is completely free in the game is very easy to enter.

It is important to mention that there would not be good to do any action before we get Croatia. When we get is, then should act quickly and promotions paraviti action game where you who can.

Forums, newsgrupe, class, work, grandmother and grand-parents - all where they may need to leave a message or partially explain the matter and people will be pinched.

Personally, I managed to arrange a review on the game in Prle managed to agree on the news (?) Site, and that two would we could open the door and towards the further reviews and information on as many portals and thus ensuring that a greater number of people. Give if you have somewhere, try to arrange a review or news, I personally write it after working in the media, we will not be difficult.

Thing you would really want to have is the right site, what are British or Slovenes which would be able to announce tutrijali, news via RSS feeds from eRepublika, which would be the forum and who would serve as pravcato stožerno the right place for each eHrvata.

I do not have to tell how much would such a site meant - can negotiate and exchange banners, can and PR-send these gaming sites and around, so the link to us, all in order that the more people come and see the site and become part eHrvatske.

For this I need a few people who are in Kuže Joomlu, I will arrange, even I have to pay hosting (someone let the middle of us if you can, indeed, is the center for all of us) and domain. Nice domain name that would be, say, I give the proposal immediately, so feel free to discuss about it.

Otherwise. even so does - this does not represent up a lot of work, if you share and do it and everyone thought that I was the simplest / funniest / slightest problem. Anyone who has more liabilities in the RL-in may help at least that counsel, who has a little more time, let separate one tour in one game and let him help, it will help in creating their state.

And now please, continue to debate about this, but constructive, without strife and mudrovanja - who does not want to help and do some looking, I personally will not him to spočitavati, but they do not question on the principle of "I like it otherwise." Who wants to work and help lay the plug and play, and then feel free to let sere.

Do not comment on that - continue discussion on the Croatian forum, on this link

I'd write in there who believes that life take over from the ministries or programs and begin to work towards these instructions, or by further instructions to be crystallized through the debate.

Consider this as if we started to officially create eHrvatsku ...