Revolutionary Party Paper Day 1508

Day 1,508, 19:49 Published in USA Canada by Molly Jo

We give you the fourth edition of the Revolutionary Party Paper
We Passed the SFP
The Revolutionary Party has just passed another party up. We're now in 7th place ahead of the SFP. This is a major accomplishment, the SFP has been around for a very long time and is a very respected 6th party. A big thanks to Levif92 for doing some recruiting since he's joined.

The next step is to pass INCI. We will probably have to get somewhere around 170 members to do this. Once we are the sixth party it's on. We can see the top five in the future, and with some hard work from party members we will be able to get there in no time.
PP Debate
The party will be hosting a PP debate for the second month in a row. The debate will be held on January 11th at 18:00 eRep time on IRC: #Revolutionary, with Jude Connors as the Debate Master. If you have any questions for the candidates please submit them to kooguy. If the candidates can't be there on the 11th we will arrange a different date and time.
Revolutionary Army Communes
Thanks to Tyler Reynolds the Revolutionary Army will have communes set up very soon. We will be supplying people who fill out the form daily with 5 Q6 weapons and 500 health. We will be able to give more once we have more factories, but for now it should be fine. All members of the army are asked to work in one of Tyler's communes.
Revolutionary Report
The Revolutionary Report is back! This Saturday from 20:00-2😇0 eRep time it will be hosted by Tyler Reynolds and Cody Caine. Tune in to hear them talk about updates in the party, army, and even some national news. This is the official radio show of all things Revolutionary, so be sure to catch it.
Revolutionary Paper Support

The Winston Report, by Davis Winston

Blowin in the Wind, by Levif92

The American Herald, by Tyler Reynolds
A Word From our Party President
"Fight on for the Revolution, and if they tell you to stop, set fire to their homes, ~hugs~
~Cody Caine