Rental agreement ePakistan & eBulgaria

Day 2,863, 05:42 Published in Pakistan Indonesia by def0

Dear all citizens of Pakistan, something that our dear leader forget to announce to:

Rental agreement between eBulgaria and ePakistan

eBulgaria and ePakistan agree to the following:
1.ePakistan agrees to rent the following regions – Balochistan and North - West Frontier province - to eBulgaria.
2. eBulgaria agrees to pay a rent in amount of 30 000 CC per month in total for both regions.
3. eBulgaria will offer protection to ePakistan in any case of attacks by foreign entities.
4. Should any of these regions be lost by eBulgaria, ePakistan will co-operate fully in the subsequent recapture of the region, including but not only declaring eBulgaria as a Natural Enemy.
5. The agreement is valid upon its signing by both parties with a duration of one month and will be renewed automatically at the moment of its expiration unless both parties agree otherwise.

Signed by

Muz1 - Dictator of ePakistan
Ghost of Serbia - President of ePakistan
Darman Barman - Dictator and President of eBulgaria
Dzynka - Minister of Foreign Affairs of eBulgaria

o7 Salute

Fight smart, hold hit if the bar reach 52%

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Viva la revolución!

Punjab, September 22, 2015