Relorian's Congressional Platform for Maine

Day 1,189, 11:06 Published in USA USA by Relorian

So in days past I would post a lot of well crafted words up and it would count as a political platform. Then I got to the point where I was tired of writing up large platforms and so the last few have been stripped down to the bone so you get the following:

My Platform

If Elected I will:

1. Work closely with INCI to ensure they stay our friends and continue to do the good work they do. This includes listening to their opinions on taxes, OMS Funding, Military matters, Immigration.

2. Work with others to craft an Executive accountability act (Similar to the military amendment just passed).

3. Ask for a re-evaluation of our current tax scheme, which seems to be driving more and more people to cheat on taxes.

4.Introduce my IES Enforcement act (It was written during my last turn but not introduced)

5. Vote my Conscience. I know that's where were put there to do. We are NOT supposed to be a rubber stamper or have our opinions dominated by others who think they know best.

6. Continue to do what I do and ask questions.

There you go. My 6 goals for this upcoming session if I am elected.

====== Endorsements =====

Relorian is of the rare few who says what needs to be said -- and does what needs to be done -- regardless of the social pressure. We will have wiser and better informed decisions and more courageous leadership with Relorian in Congress. We have difficult times ahead. I urge every voter who cares about our future to vote for Relorian in Maine. -- Signed, ssomo (former Congress/EC/JCS and current UIP PP)


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