RE: Public Service Announcement Work for 100 CC/Day

Day 1,805, 03:22 Published in India India by DonMogul

This is the article I am citing as the basis for this one:

Recently Wild Quark, wrote an article stating that I was promising 100 INR a day jobs for all.

I'm afriad that Wild Quark is putting words into my mouth. While that Mitt Romney speech is very nice and something along the lines of what I would actually say, I never actually said those words.

I never even mentioned a 100 INR figure to anyone...

I am, to be quite honest, disappointed that my name is being used in this manner. My name is being used to make promises that I have not made.

It is not just my name that is at risk here. It is what the ancient Romans would call dignitas.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term:

Dignitas was regarded as the sum of the personal clout and influence that a male citizen acquired throughout his life. When weighing the dignitas of a particular individual, factors such as personal reputation, moral standing, and ethical worth had to be considered, along with the man's entitlement to respect and proper treatment.

The Upshot of All This

As of right now, I am demanding that I am given access to this Google Doc so that I can see to whom promises are being made in my name.

And you know what?

If your response to the survey is good enough, I will employ you and give you the promised wage.

I will state now to everyone. NEVER do this again. NEVER again make promises in my name or put words into my mouth that I have not said.