Pripovedanje dosadnog coveka...

Day 2,222, 08:44 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Nikada ne gledaj samo na sebe,osvrni se malo i na te ljude koji su tu negde okolo,a onda kada ti najvise bude bilo potrebno naci ce se neko ko ce i na tebe pogledati!!Sve na ovom svetu je jedan veliki tocak,kao onaj na staroj vodenici...I pokrece ga velika reka,reka nasih dela!!Kako ce ga ona okretati zavisi iskljucivo od nasih dela...Pazi covece ako preteras lako mozes taj kamen i da slomis a on se nikada vise popraviti nece!!

Zasto onome ko se raduje prici i biti uz njega??Cisto sumnjam da si mu ti ili mozda ja uzrok te njegove radosti!!Suvisni smo,verovatno necemo nista uciniti da mu odmognemo ali mu sigurno ni pomoci necemo!!Vec je on dovoljno srecan tako da mu mi i ne trebamo!!Pridji onome malom,sto se skupio u onom cosku i tiho uz jecaj proliva suze...Vidis,dovoljno je samo na rame da mu spustis ruku i ucinices mu vise nego li da si onom sto kao zaljubljeni leptir skakuce od srece poklonio ceo svet!!U principu ljudi se plase ovih malih i tuznih,valjda se plase da njihova nesreca predje i na njih!!Onda se potrudite da tu tugu malo i ublazite onda je vljada i manja mogucnost da i na vas predje!!

Svi zele da budu prijatelji sa onima koji imaju sve ne bi li tako nesto i za sebe pribavili...Mnogo je teze biti takvom coveku prijatelj jer sta god mu poklonis on to vec ima!!Nadji nekoga ko nema nista i samo mu jedan komad hleba daj!!Znace on to da ceni i postuje i naci ce nacin da ti vrati!!Jer onda kada ti budes gladam pre ce ti ovaj siromasni dati deo svoga malo nego li bogat mrvicu svoga velikog!!Bezace onaj bogati od tebe kao da kugu imas kada ti pomoc bude trebala!!

Mnogo ljudi se zali kako bez ljubavi zivi i kako svet postaje mesto bez ljubavi...Jel??A koga ti u stvari volis??Izgubilo se postovanje prema roditeljima,a sve su nam dali...Sa gubitkom postovanja naravno nestala je i ljubav!!Nismo sposobni da volimo ni one koje po nekim prirodnim zakonima treba da volimo!!Pa i zivotinje vole svoju porodicu i cuvaju je a mi nismo sposobni...Postase plemenitije divlje zveri od ljudi,one se barem bore za svoju porodicu a ljudi samo za sebe,a cesto ni to...Uglavnom se na ljude gleda kao na objekte!!Na osobe suprotnog pola uglavnom kao na seksualni objekat,na roditelje kao na objekat koji daje neku materijalnu potporu a na decu kao na suvisni objekat!!!Kipovi moji bandoglavi...

Okreni svoju reku i malo je izbistri!!A tek onda u nekoj bistroj kapi te reke trazi neku svoju srecu!!Vece su sanse u masi bisernih kapi naci neki biser nego li u prljavoj!!Nju cak ne mozes ni da popijes i osvezis se kada si zedan...

Narration of a boring man

Never look only at yourself, take a look around to those people who are here somewhere , and then when needed the most there will be someone who will look at you ! Everything in this world is one big wheel , as the one of an old mill ... and it’s run by a great river , the river of our deeds ! How it will rotate depends exclusively from our actions... Beware though, if you overdo it that rock could easly break and never be fixed again ! !

Why approach someone who’s joyfull ? I really doubt you or maybe myself are the cause of this joy ! We are redundant, we probably won’t do anything to help him and certainly nothing to hinder him aswell ! He is already happy enough and we are not needed ! Approach the little one who is alone in the corner quietly moaning and spilling tears ... you see , it is enough to place your arm on his shoulder and you’ll do more to him than if you gave a joyfull butterfly prancing one the whole world ! Basically people are afraid of these small and sad ones, I suppose they fear that their misfortune could shift onto them ! Try to mitigate and lower that sadness and then the possibility of it crossing onto you is probably less.

Everyone wants to be friends with those who have everything just to obtain something for themselves... it is much harder to be a friend to such a man because whatever you gift him he already has ! Find someone who has nothing and just give him one piece of bread ! He will know to appreciate and respect it and will find a way to repay you ! Because when you're hungry that poor one would be the first to give you a part of whatever little he has than the rich a bit of his plenty ! When you require help the rich will run from you as if you had the plague.

A lot of people complain how they live their lives without love and how the world becomes a loveless place... Really ? And who do you really love ? Respect towards parents, who gave us everything, is lost... of course, with the loss of respect love disappeared aswell ! We’re unable to love even those who by some natural laws should be loved ! Even animals love their family and protect it while on the other hand we’re uncapable of doing so ... Beasts have become more noble than men, at least they’re fighting for their family while people only for themselves , and often not even that ... mainly, people are viewed as objects ! The opposite half mainly as a sex object , the parents as the object that provides financial support and the children as a redundand object ! ! My squareheaded sculptures ...

Turn your river and clarify it ! And only after that seek happiness in a clear river drop ! There’s a greater chance to find a pearl among a mass of pearl drops than in dirty ones ! Those ones you can’t even drink to refresh yourself when you're thirsty ...

Prevod na engleski Deus Invictus!!Hvala za prevod!!