Day 1,650, 08:43 Published in Serbia USA by NoName0000

Ljudi moji prevarise me, znam reci ce te sigurno, tako mu i treba kad je glup 🙂, ali dobro. Izvesni Sedurion me je prevario za 18500rsd odnosno trebao sam dobiti 1000q5 tenkica za koje sam prodao zlato da bih ih kasnije preprodao i zaradio koji dinar u ova teska vremena. Nista nije slutilo na prevaru, jer sam vec imao par uspesnih transakcija sa njim, ali ne lezi vraze, on je ocigledno cekao priliku da me zezne(da ne kazem nesto drugo 😁. Sad neko ce pitati: 'zasto on to nama govori',a ja cu vam reci, zato sto ne zelim da jos neko ispadne budala poput mene i bude prevaren. A takvih Sedurion-a u ovom nasem eSvetu ima mnogo tako da budite oprezni. Eto toliko od mene, idemo dalje. o7

Zamolio bih za shout da sto vise ljudi vidi ovo

I was deceived!

I am sure that you will tell me that I deserved that, because I acted stupid.
But anyway,certain Sedurion cheated me for 18500rsd .I should get 1000q5 tanks for gold that I sold, so that later I could resold them and earn some money in these difficult times.

Nothing was suspicious neither appeared to be fraud, because I already had a couple of successful transactions with him, but he was obviously waiting for a chance to fool me (not to use another word). Now you can ask, 'why is he telling us that,' and I'll tell you why- because I don’t want someone else to be cheated like I was.
Our eWorld is full of people like Sedurion, so be careful.

That’s all from me. o7

I’m asking you to shout this, so that more people can see this