Presidents message: Polish RW monday 20/10

Day 334, 14:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Flammbar
Polish RW starts this monday 20/10, in Krakow, little poland.
Swedish soldiers:
1. Do not engage to the defense.
2. If you really want to engage, enter the war as attacker and help the Polish nation to beat that wall down faster.
It's been a good time with the Polish citizens and everything have been working smoothly and we got good relations. Now however, it's the time for them to regain their own country and become independent.
I thank the Polish nation for their friendship, and hope for continued healthy relations between our nations.
Best of wishes,
Flammbar, president of Sweden.
Polskie powstanie rozpocznie sie w poniedzialek 20/10 w Krakowie, Malopolska.
1. Szwedzi nie angazuj¹ siê w obrone
2. Jesli jednak jakis Szwed bedzie chcial sie zaangazowac w wojne moze pomoc Polskiemu Narodowi w niszczeniu muru.
To byly dobre czasy z Polskimi obywatelami w naszym (Szwedzkim) kraju. Wszystko dzialalo sprawnie i w jak najlepszym porzadku. Nasze stosunki z Polska sa bardzo dobre.
Jednak teraz kiedy pojawila siê wersja V1, a wraz z nia modul FFF czas aby Polacy odzyskali swoj wlasny kraj i stali sie niezalezni.
Najlepsze zyczenia,
Flammbar, prezydent Szwecji
Edit: My font is not currently working 100% correct with the Polish letters, sorry for that.