Presidential MonkeyBusiness, Day 1567

Day 1,567, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
A personal favourite song of mine for article music today. Couldn't find the album version, but live is just as good 😉
Here is the Sunparlour Players' "Battle of [Day] '77".

A Term at End

Well, it certainly has been an interesting term. There doesn't seem to be a month in eRep where something "interesting" doesn't happen. I'm always fond of the end of terms, as the responsibility of the position can take a lot out of you. This term, I'm especially fond of it, as my RL has been taking away from my eRep activity of late, which has somewhat limited my ability. I look forward to seeing our next President take off from where I had to stop.

A Pardon for Rolo

So Congress has once again pardoned Rolo. As I said before, I'm not going to veto this one, though I've once again received a wave of messages asking me to do so. A veto is only a temporary fix, since it delays a motion more than stopping it. You will need to participate in the process if you'd like your vote counted.

Presidential Scenario

There wasn't an actual scenario this time. Instead, I had asked our Presidential-wannabes that, if they were President, what would they want to do? What would they try to change? Since afterall, if a Presidential Candidate doesn't have a goal, then why are they running?

A little disappointing, but there wasn't much in terms of actions. A few ideas were thrown around, but nothing truly concrete or goal-oriented. I suppose that our participants have the interest, but maybe not the goal and motivation for Presidency yet 😉

I had considered providing a "final analysis" of the participants here, but decided against it. This was meant as an opportunity for both our participants to gain some experience, but also for the public to see the abilities of the participants. For a truly unbiased viewpoint of the participants, it would be best to read their articles themselves, rather just a summary of them. So below, I'll link to their first scenario submission, where you can find all of their articles by browsing forward in their newspapers.

Ultimate523: Published here.
Gary Hubert: Published here.
George Beeman: Published here.
JohnSmith 2k9: Published here.
Andrew McKenzie Caine: Published here.

On the flip-side, feedback from the participants was that generally they enjoyed it, and it was a good experience. Personally, I think it went quite well, and I am happy with how it turned out. I would like to thank our ending participants, Gary Hubert, George Beeman, JohnSmith 2k9, as well as those that started with us, Ultimate523 and Andrew McKenzie Caine. It was a good experience for myself as well, and I hope to see you all do well with your experience.

Political Activity

I started this term with a goal of piquing public interest in terms of political activity. To a certain degree, this was achieved by the "crash course in Presidency". Those that were interested in becoming politcally active have taken note of it, and have hopefully learned a thing or two. I wouldn't say that public participation in it was too grand, but there's only so much that can be done 😉

There is actually still enough people looking to participate to run another "round" of this crash-course. I do want to continue this, but I think it'd have to be in a bit of a different format. I'll get around to discussing that another day, but first, I'll be taking a little break from it 😛

The End.

Annnd that's all I have to say. I'd like to thank everyone for joining me the this journey this month. If I had to give it an impartial rating, I'd say it was "alright". But everyone has their own opinions of it, so I won't brew over it much. It was an enjoyable experience, but very taxing as well. I think it showed that my activity had dropped a bit nearer the end of the term, so I think it's a good time for our next President to step in. I wish Acacia (going out on a limb here 😉 ), the best of luck during his term, and am interested in seeing what happens over the next month.

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you around, eCanada!

President of eCanada.

Monday, March 5th, 2012.