Power Struggle #5

Day 365, 08:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
Day 46. The struggle had changed from the mere bickering of Party Politics to International events in which all major countries of the New World were involved in. The need for sly politicians was withering and in their place were ambassadors and generals who could think quickly in times of stress and utter confusion. Things were moving so quickly and shortly after my retirement from UK politics I found myself thrust back into the fray as a new entity; a soldier. I had joined up into one of the world's elite forces, the Paratroopers. We were the representation of the UK in our allied countries and we stood for their independance.

I only had time for one day of intense training before I was flown off to Argentina. The world was collasping into war all around and Argentina was at the centre of the chaos. Brazil declared war on them, and was shortly followed by Indonesia doing the same. ATLANTIS had to act quickly and we, the Paratroopers, were deployed immediately into action. I was pushed into a plane along with the rest of my Platoon and within minutes we were hurtling through the air at outrageous speeds in order to reach the objective before the fighting broke out. I looked out of the window onto the lush greenery of Argentina and was awestruck by the contrast from the dark, grimy streets of London. It seemed being a Para did have some extra perk. What I did not see while looking out the window, however, was the barrage of artillery and mass of soldiers. It appeared that there was no war going down below. I looked over to BBB with a quizzical look as if to say "What the fuck?!" and he simply shrugged in reply and resumed readying his rifle.

All was peaceful when we landed on the airstrip and everyone hurriedly got out. There was no need for the, normally compulsary, parachute out of the plane into hostile lands for the simple reasons that these were not hostile lands yet. Neither the Brazillians nor the Indonesians had chosen to attack yet, even with the new tactics of war in place. It meant little to us, it just gave us more time to prepare. We were told to find work in the area, Pampas, as we could be there for a while before PEACE chose their time to strike out against us.

It was an anti-climax to say the least. There were no valiant speeches from Officers before battle, no grim stares into the abyss before war and none of the awe that you expect would come with being deployed. For now, we would wait. But when they did come, they would be greeted with hell.

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