Power of the women in eRepublik

Day 1,598, 09:08 Published in USA Nigeria by MaCeDoNa
Dragi Muskarci,
Mi zene smo PERFEKTNE zato sto ne postajemo CELAVE, imamo INTERANCIONALNI dan, mozemo obuci i ROZE i PLAVO bez problema, mi smo sigurne da su nasa deca NASA,

Dear men,
We, the woman are PERFECT because we do not became bold, we have INTERNATIONAL day, we can wear PINK and BLUE without any problems, we are sure that our children are OURS,

imamo PRVENSTVO u slucaju brodoloma, ne placamo racune u kinu ili restoranima, prve smo oslobodjene u slucaju da smo u grupi taoca, ako smo prevarene mi smo ZRTVE
We have COMPETITION in case of shipwreck, we don't pay the tickets in cinema or the bills in restaurants, we are first free when in hostage, if we are deceived we are the VICTIMS

ako prevarimo oni su ROGONJE, mi mozemo prespavati sa prij...a...teljicom bez da nas odmah osude kao HOMOSEKSUALKE, mi mozemo obratiti paznju na VISE STVARI u isto vreme, zena ambasadora je AMBASADORKA, a sta je muz ambasadorke?! Zena predsednika je PRVA DAMA, a sta je muz predsednice?! Ako resimo da radimo "muske" poslove mi smo PIONIRKE, a muskarac koji resava "zenske" poslove, za nas je "ZLATAN" a za muskarce "PEDER". I najzad, mi smo sposobne da radimo apsolutno sve sto muskarci rade i to na STIKLAMA!!! 😁
if we unfaithful, they are CUCKOLD, we can sleep with a friend without being judged as HOMOSEXUALS, we can pay attention to MORE THINGS in the same time, the wife of an Ambassador is an Ambassador woman, and what is the husband of the Ambassador woman?! The wife of the President is FIRST LADY, and what is the husband of the woman President?! If we decide to work "male" things, then we are PIONEERS, and the men who solve "female" issues, for us is "GOLDEN" and for the other men is "GAY". And for last, we are capable of doing absolutely everything what the men do, on HIGH HEELS!!! 😁)

И тоа имаме намера да Ви го Докажеме!!! 🙂

In Monday, 16 of april, second day of Easter, in the afternoon, the women in eRepublik will fight in one battle!
In which, you will be notified soon!
We invite all the members of the gentler gender to confirm their presence!

Понеделник, 16 април, втор ден Велигден, во попладневните часови
жените од еРеп ќе пукаат во една битка!
во која, ќе Ве известиме благовремено!
Се повикуваат сите припаднички на понежниот пол да го потврдат своето присуство!

за да има доволно храна и тенкови за сите, кавалерите може да донираат на овој линк

To have enough food and tanks, the gentlemen can donate in the following link
Линк за донации

листа на пријавени учеснички:
1. MaCeDoNa
2. Jovana Krstitelj
3. Kate
4. Anastasia MKD
5. Princess Emily
6. Aliss Wonder
7. Valkirya Vala
8. Olivera Natalia
9. Kirijana
10. Viki MKD
11. Alexandra Sasha
12. Angelique.A
13. Anka Crnotravka
14. Lidija MK
15. Elena.M1
16. Glaudius Maximus
17. goxymaxy
18. oO SomeOne Oo
19. EleNa
20. Doozy Of Macedonia
21. Milchevska


23. sarah_kay
26. Girl from MACEDONIA
27. Duska Arhitekta
28. Jovana94jgd
29. Miljana Pantelic


33.Marlene Moor
34. Martu
35. Milenium3
36. eWinkl
37. Sitno
38. Eternal Magic
39. Madam Mimi
40. Sasha Vladimirovna
41. Shady.Lady
43. Milenka
44. Pande.J
45. fok33r
46. Baby Anna
47. Zaska
48. Zina80
49. Baby.Blue
50. Chembewa
51. Andreychika
52. vodnicka77
53. jelche
54. kiisupai
55. Rineke
56. Danijela 89
57. Bilja101
58. Skopjankaxx
59. MarijaS87
60. Angela92
61. Dajana13
62. Kat de Luna
63. Anchy Ana
64. Ana PG
65. Sweet Girl
66. DacaMaca
67. Okicca
68. Yetlanesi
69. Amella

70. BlackList Princess

71. n3nk
72. Branislava Vasilijević
73. Desi Dimitrova
74. Milena
75. Windvry
76. DuchessAnn
77. snolicka
78. Tuja777
79. Sanja9210
80. Pati Saijic
81. Jeca idzuo
82. Maineshen
83. nazanin s

88. Safran

It is our goal, on 16th april, in one mini battle, to fight alone, just us the girls signed for participation in this action. For winning the mini battle ALONE!!
We ask the boys not to fight with us, who will - it's a GIRL!😃
You can fight, but for the opposite side.
Girls, the organisation and agreement for this action will be held on #MaCeDoNa on rizon!

Power of the women in eRepublik

...VA\I YA \IVE...