Por que no te callas?!

Day 0, 00:00 Published in Spain Spain by GordonKartuli

Should Spain's king have told Venezuelan Pime Minister to shut up?|||Last week, in the Iberoamerican Summit, Juan Carlos I, king of Spain asked Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan Prime Minister "Why don't you shut up?" before leaving the meeting when the later insulted Spain's former Prime Minister José María Aznar calling him a fascist and a dictator.

How do you value the King's reaction?

Popular sentiment in Spain has been by the King's reaction to defend his country gaining him a widespread support. Now, the question lies in whther a king should behave like that in public even if to defend his county. Whilst its true that most of this international summits are governed by strict protocol, the King's words have stirred the question of how to go about when representing a country, in this case Spain against a foulmouthed banana sort of dictator who does not abide by rules of civility in international forums.

From my point of view, there's a direct liason with how to defend ourselves from international islamic terrorism. One of the major advantages of someone who does not abide by the rules when interacting with developed countries is that he's not bound by the same rules, in this case, both terrorists and Mr Chavez have in common the fact that we in the developed countries defend both dialog and argumentational disputes when confronting oposing points of view, and in the very same way that we grant feedom to our citizens and visitors that terrorists use that freedom to deambulate and strike with their horrible bombs that Chavez verbally challenges our political systems, in this case Spain's democracy when democratically choosing its Prime Minister. So the question is, should we in the "civilised world" go out of line to challenge the gowing attacks to our ways of life risking to destroy them, or let ourselves be bullied around by our borders' porousness and verbally attacking non-democratically elected country representatives?