Poor Pizza the Hut is Perma-Banned!

Day 1,406, 16:19 Published in USA Ireland by loftedraptor

Earlier today Ajay contacted me on the chat we have used for years. I do not approve of everything he wants to do, or some of his his opinions for that matter. He is, however, a long time friend, and I feel it is a shame he managed to get banned. Ajay's antics were always entertaining, and somehow he made the game better and more interesting, whether I agreed with him or not.

OK, Here is what we said this morning while I was drinking my coffee:

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lordajay: eRepublik can go to hell
loftedraptor: Why?
lordajay: I got permanently suspended for sending a PM to USWP saying to join our party because the person who runs theirs is a serial cheater
lordajay: aKa Pfeiffer
loftedraptor: Ironic
lordajay: I mean i can start over but the worst part is
lordajay: yeah I know right
lordajay: I will miss some of the friends I will likely never talk to again
lordajay: :/
loftedraptor: what about militia?
lordajay: what about it
loftedraptor: what will happen to it?
lordajay: If I am not unbanned
lordajay: in like a week one of the 2nd commanders will become commander
loftedraptor: ok
loftedraptor: please appeal ban
lordajay: I am
lordajay: do me a favor
lordajay: post an article that says
lordajay: that I am appealing the ban
lordajay: and that I asked everyone to be patient
lordajay: and to keep doing what we always do
loftedraptor: k
loftedraptor: keep me posted
lordajay: Yeah I will
loftedraptor: Do I have permission to print this convo in article?
lordajay: Yes
loftedraptor: will do Amigo
lordajay is typing...
lordajay: o/