Ponies! [EN/DE/HU]

Day 1,770, 22:37 Published in Austria USA by Kathee93

My Little Pony is a brand of toy ponies produced by the toy manufacturer Hasbro. Marketed primarily to girls, the ponies can be identified by their colorful bodies and manes and a unique symbol on one or both sides of their flanks.

"Extras" for the toy were also available, such as scooters, hairbrushes and other accessories matching the ponies' names and "Cutie-Marks". Following the original My Pretty Pony toy, introduced in 1981, My Little Pony was launched in 1983 and the line became popular during the 1980s. The original toy line ran from 1983 to 1995 (1992 in the US), and inspired animated specials, an animated feature length film and three animated television series.

The Toyline is released later in Japan by Takara in the '80s during Generation 1, and by Takara Tomy in 2006.


Mein kleines Pony (Original: My Little Pony) ist eine Serie von Spielzeugponys aus Kunststoff, produziert vom US-amerikanischen Spielzeughersteller Hasbro. Diese vorwiegend mit Sammelcharakter hergestellten Ponys sind an ihren bunten Farben und Symbolen an der hinteren Flanke erkennbar. Die meisten dieser Ponys tragen einen diesem Symbol entsprechenden Namen.


My Little Pony (Original: My Little Pony), egy sor műanyag játék pónik által gyártott, az amerikai játék cég Hasbro. Ezek a termékek, főleg gyártott kollektív jellegű pónikkal lehet azonosítani az élénk színek és szimbólumok a hátsó szárnyon. A legtöbb ilyen pónik viselni egy nevet ennek megfelelő szimbólum.

Fight for India in Northwest of Brazil!