Pomozi eSrbiji, svi zajedno za Punjab! [PODELA] [Srb/Eng]

Day 1,776, 11:41 Published in Serbia Serbia by Shonze the Tebra

Dobro vece eSrbijo.

Kao sto vidite OVDE, bitka za Punjab protiv kine tesko napreduje. Eden pruza jak otpor a mi smo lose organizovani (i nemamo para)!!

Zato sam resio da organizujem podelu za sledece runde!
Molio bih sve igrace koji su voljni i koji imaju sredstva, da mi pomognu u materijalnom smislu, tj da mi posalju tenkove, pare, zlato, bilo sta, samo da bih mogao da podelim ljudima tenkove da imaju cime da pucaju!

Podela ce poceti u 22:30 na rizon kanalu #udrisad, a tenkovi ce se deliti samo igracima iz 4-te divizije!

Molio bih sve dobro ljude da shoutuju ovaj clanak da bi ga sto vise igraca videlo, da bi sto vise igraca pomoglo i da bi sto vise igraca dobilo tenkove i udaralo za eSrbiju!

Svi koji budu poslali tenkice bice citirani u clanku.

Ludi Patriota92 has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
1978drgonzo has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Despot Srb has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
McGinty.dc has transfered 2000 RSD to your account.

Idemo Srbi, svi zajedno!! Zivela Srbija!!


Help eSerbia, all together against China in Punjab! [DISTRIBUTION OF WEAPONS]

Good evening allies.

As you see here, the battle for Punjab against China heavily progresses . Eden shows hard resistance and we are poorly organized (there is no enough money)!

So I decided to organize the distribution of weapons for the next rounds!
All players who are willing and who has the resources to help me in the material sense, please send me some tanks or money, gold, anything, just so I could share the tanks to the people who have available wellness!

The distribution will begin at 22:30 on rizon channel # udrisad, and tanks will be shared only to players of the 4TH Division (D4)!

I would ask you all good people there to Shout this article so it could be seen by as many players out there, to help as many players so we can beat China in this battle together !

All those who send any kind of help ,will be cited in this article.

LUDI Patriota92 has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
1978drgonzo 1 Gold has transfered to your account.
Despot Srb 1 Gold has transfered to your account.
McGinty.dc has transfered 2000 RSD to your account.