UPDATE - Final poll analysis about Supply Pack

Day 1,819, 03:11 Published in USA North Korea by Silexu


As my article is about to expire I will present in the next chart the final distribution of the votes (from a total of 197) for the Supply Pack Poll (which is now disabled).

You can see that more that 50% did not buy yet gold and 36% would not buy it even whit such an offer.
From the gold buyers more about 70% are upset with the lack of offer and 15% would not buy it anyway.
Only 13% are surely buying gold based on the offer, 9% would think about but I would not bet that much of them will do it, while from the 35% upset I am not very sure how many would still buy. So I would not give more than 25% for the people that finally would buy the supply pack.

I would like to thank all the voters who propelled me for the first time as top article in US and in top 15 International.

[Previous analyses]

I've changed a bit the order of the information. This is because maybe the frustration lowered and you may be curious about the opinion of the players regarding new Supply Pack. If you are upset of the missing offer you can jump down the page, read the original article and come back for analysis.

It is about the offer in the next screenshot.

Based on that offer I've created a poll. The poll question is available at
and you can check the results here

My analyses of the results (14:30 eRep time in 1819) show interesting results (relative to the players that answered the poll):
o 2/3 of them already bought gold;
o most of them and half of the people that answered the poll are not happy with the fact there is an offer they cannot access;
o from the people that did not bought gold yet 80% are still not willing to buy; only one (2😵 is convinced by the offer - I wonder who is THE player

As a new analysis (day 1820, 3:00 eRep time) I can say that
o the same 66% for gold buyers;
o 75% from the gold buyers are unhappy they cannot access such an offer;
o 66% from the non gold buyers still do not want to spend real money;

[Original article]

A lot of players see this. What does it mean?

It simply means that the loyalty players that already spent a lot of real money on a lot of gold (and I am not a big spender) do not have any advantage in such situations.

It means that you, as a loyalty player, are a big fish they already ate and they are looking for more small ones to catch and foolish to enter the system.

It means a slap in your face.

[Later edit]

Hmm!! Another idea came in my mind. Maybe Plato considers the people that already bought gold are already illuminated and does not want to tempt them again with the devil eye.

All the best,

PS I've created a Poll, maybe you want to give your opinion:

You can see the current results here: