Political Procrastination

Day 1,968, 15:24 Published in Australia Chile by Lotheridon

For most of today and yesterday I sat facing my laptop trying to jot down simple ideas for articles to no avail.I have many qualities that I, along with close friends, treasure. However, I am known to procrastinate. Not just 'make a cup of coffee' type procrastination but full blown procrastination. I'll open a notepad and sit there for about five minutes before coming to the conclusion that I have absolutely no ideas.

Of course I have ideas - somewhere

Well, it's preposterous to even believe for one second that it's not possible for me to talk about the hottest topic. In my case, I'll make a cup of coffee, drink it and then decide to wash it by hand far too cautiously and thoroughly. You know, my father always told me one thing: "Go ask your mother". That, my friends, is class A laziness. What would my mother say? "You don't know what hard work is - it builds character!". That phrase speaks the truth. It really does.

If it truly is correct and you know it - follow it!

This goes for everything. I do sound as if I'm taking a game too seriously, but when you put your mind to something - you can actually make something out of it. So, kids, don't procrastinate! In erepublik - I'm ready to stop procrastinating for once and convince myself the dishes can wait until later.

Woah, woah - slow down, buddy! The title of this article is called 'Political Procrastination'. So far, you've only talked about procrastination!

That's true. I'm dearly sorry. To make you all happy, I now present to you classic examples of political procrastination!

~Au revoir

Final notes

Thank you!
