Political Discrimination...

Day 1,782, 22:15 Published in USA USA by dlugadogoa
AFA a party of freedom. But is it really free on the outside world. Beyond the walls, outside of AFA, there is a country that targets us, AFA, as a Domestic Terrorist Organization. I would like to point out that it's true that we have non-eUS Citizens in our congress. (were not alone)

PM I recived to leave the EZC or AFA.

-above you will see a pm telling me to leave the EZC or AFA. Not only that but all friends that are supporters of the AFA are to be unfriended because they are considered enemy.

I honestly don't care much about the fact that they are telling me to leave the EZC, but telling me to delete all friends that are associated with the AFA. That's political discrimination. Does it really matter if I just know or even talked to them, should this world turn into a world of discrimination of ideas, views, and other such beliefs. Should I hate all other parties because I just like AFA. I'll let you think about this

And by the way. That were not alone comment earlier.

Can you guess who's out of the country here?

So don't think were alone here and the only one taking people from the other half of the world.

Multi Discovered/Suspected
Grab your pitchforks and torches

1)Adam Pro
Banned for Multiple accounts
Newspaper:National Unity Party News

Party:National Unity Party
Newspaper:Nation Unity News

3)James Pro
Party:National Unity Party
