Pluto suosii pieniä....

Day 2,187, 05:08 Published in Finland Finland by Kuuro kana

Plato päätti taas, että TWO:lla on liian vähän rahaa ja julkaisi periaatteensa miten verot jakautuvat.

Vaikka periaate ottaa päähän, niin pidän esimerkistä. Saako Katainen viimeinkin tehtyä rahaa Kreikka-lainoilla ja on ottanut osia panttivangiksi? Muuten en ymmärrä miten Suomi hyökkäisi Kreikkaan.

Day 2,187
Taxation of Occupied Regions

In order to make successful military campaigns more rewarding, we have introduced the Taxation of Occupied Regions. In addition to the familiar production bonuses, countries will now gain additional tax income from the regions they have conquered.

The formula

PCI = Partial Country Income
TCI = Total Country Income
TC = Tax Collected
BI = Base Income (20% for the country collecting the tax)
OR = The number of original regions of the country
CR = The number of original regions currently under control

PCI = TC * ( CR/OR*80% + BI )

For example, Greece has 10 regions and 2 of them are under occupation of Finland and 1 is under occupation of Sweden. Greece collects 1000 currency in taxes from its citizens.
OR = 10
TC = 1000
BI = 20%
CR (Greece) = 7
CR (Finland) = 2
CR (Sweden) = 1
TCI (Greece) = 760 currency
TCI (Finland) = 160 currency
TCI (Sweden) = 80 currency