Please Re-Elect loftedraptor for a Third Term!

Day 731, 06:47 Published in Ukraine Ireland by loftedraptor

Yes I know the other day I shouted that I was not going to run again, however after thinking things over, I might be letting my friends down by not running, besides that, I have no real reason not to continue to serve the Ukraine. Perhaps I was a bit depressed over computer problems I was having but thats all fixed, In fact I have installed a wireless network that ends the aggravation of cables messing up which was annoying even before my main machine crashed.

Please vote for loftedraptor in Podolia, Ukraine!

If I am re-elected to Parliament I will continue look after Ukraine's best interests as always. I take my responsibilities to the Citizens of the Ukraine very seriously. I maintain a current voting record for everyone to see.

I am a 63 year old man who plays this game about 8 hours a day 7 days a week. I am an effective manager and I am familiar with game mechanics. I am in the game way more than enough to make sure of a vote on every issue. I bring with me maturity and fairy good judgment. You will not see me entering silly proposals just for XP, or trying to impeach an innocent President because I disagree with him over a policy, or do not like the Party he belongs to. I will continue to be careful of granting citizenship and will act in a fair, even-handed non-political manner and choose players on merit. I will be diligent in the discharge of my duties if re-elected to Parliament.

Respectfully submitted,
