Please HELP eSK Please

Day 1,642, 10:20 Published in Indonesia USA by j4k4rt4
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United We Stand

Some Say...
"South Korea, go to TEDEN side. That's the best option you have."

Some Say...
"Just negotiation with China. Look at Iran. They got back their own."

Yes. We know that there's a mount of ways to find our land.

But Please,
Please, My Comrades.

Help Us.

We have reliable brothers and sisters like you!

We have power overwhelming armies like you!

We have 'great unite' which anything cannot beat easily!

South Korea don't have Congress for 6 months.

This is the last Congress election's result. (terakhir pemilihan congres okt 2011)

We even cannot see the our own lands.

We even cannot using our own money.

For 6 months... we lived in hell.

We lived in the darkness which cannot see any light.

We walked the lonely road which don't know where is the end.

So please, my fellow comrades.

Help Me.

Help Us.

Help South Korea.

This is the only hope for me, us, and South Korea.

I want to see my motherland open the Congress Hall.

Please, my fellow comrades.

Fight for us.

Save us.

Save South Korea.

I believe you.

All of you.

United We Stand.

Thanks for reading.

Bless you all.
