PEACE G.C. is Attacking us at Home! (A Call to Arms)

Day 532, 13:31 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt
5th May, 2009 (Day 532 of the New World), PEACE G.C. civilians have taken it upon themselves to attack the eUnited States in massed quantities. How so?

On popular media articles, especially those revealing a scandal or criticizing an elected official, there always seems to be those two or three comments that are subtle. "I would have expected more from you scrabman," or jumping on the bandwagon such as "what about freedom of speech?"

They tend to never really stand out, but gives the appearance as if the eAmerican public is in disagreement, confusion, or hate. Sometimes, they even cite rumors that get every excited and begins a whole string of events.

These are PEACE G.C. amateur propagandists and they roam our media, and others, with hateful and criticizing comments. During the Uncle Sam impeachment trials, I saw an unexpected amount of them to where about 1/3 of the comments in his "Resignation" article were from PEACE G.C. citizens making up lies and coining the term "Uncle FAIL."

This is unacceptable, that these e-men and e-women come into our media and spread these. Most of the time, we fail to recognize them as not being of eAmerican (or Atlantis) origin.

An illustration of avatars found just by looking at today's Top 20 media. Notice that most have their country's flag, the PEACE G.C. symbol, or a combination of the two within their avatars.

We must be able to tell who is who. In a Top Five article yesterday which expired late last night, there were six PEACE G.C. commentators, all rather crude and negative, and the only comment calling any non-eAmerican out was an eAmerican criticizing an eUS Marine and had mistaken him as a Romanian due to his residency - despite the eMarine symbol, the eUS flag, and his rank portrayed in his avatar.

We have to be alert, and we have to take notice to what is shown in these avatars. Flag colors, the PEACE G.C. symbol, and lack of correct verb use are all good ways to tell if a person is not an eAmerican. More often than not, most only comment with simple negative sentences to give off that they are affluent in English.

But, how can we fight back? Are we going to just sit here and let them attack our media, our freedom, our right to see things without foreign instigation? Fight the fire, with fire.

I am asking you, the eAmerican, to go into the media of these countries. Hungary, Indonesia, Brazil, what ever, and make randy jokes about their politicians, policies, and what not. Give off as if you raise your expectations for success and they failed. "I guess a new President with more balls is the only way to beat Romania." or "It wilts my groin to see this happen. Shame on you." Even "Even a pedophile could beat Romania. New leadership is needed."

Simple, to the point, and give off as we are just locals looking at the media and are disappointed. I am going to be working, in coordination with The Jewitt Report, Propaganda NOW!, and other news outlets to form the Media Corps of America, which will coordinate negative comments in PEACE G.C. media. I hope that some will get creative and even translate their comments in their respective domestic languages.

eAmerica, for the love of your e-country, freedom of the press, and fun, get out there and make jokes about phalli and make us proud!

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To Do List:

A new program has been launched where I will be coordinating with other news agencies to report on a wide assortment of things. To help gauge what the readers want, I have formed a Customer Service form at this link. I encourage you to take it so I can help bring you the news you want.

The Presidential elections are today (or tomorrow if this goes over to the 6th). Vote, and make your voice heard!

Just because I like to promote this, PM your congressman and ask them about their activity and what they are discussing in Congress. An active voter is an informed voter; this will only bring us to a greater nation by having a more knowledgeable and interactive population.

-Jewitt, Chief Editor