Patriots & Pinheads

Day 635, 12:52 Published in USA USA by Bastion

Editor's Note: Someone suggested that perhaps I was being a meanie in this article. So I'm adding this note. This is all, of course, only my opinion. Personally, I would classify the first group as the "Patriots" and the latter groups as "Pinheads", but that's just me. I'm actually quite curious about how the rest of you feel. So please vote this up and leave a comments. Am I right or do I have it all backwards? - Bastion

I would like to publicly acknowledge the Congressmen who did their best to take a stand against tyranny. The following eAmerican Patriots each voted "No" to President Emerick's pathetic treaty with the enemy:

Desertfalcon (NE)
Cromstar (PA)
nickbezier (OH)
Walter Joseph Kovacs (MN)
Chris Stanwick (VT)
Cerb (TN)
Dodgercatcher (MT)
Dreadnuts the Mighty (MI)
Alexander Hamilton (RI)

As you head to the polls in a few days, please remember these individuals, and be sure to give them your support!

On the flip side, the following Senators voted in as cowardly a manner possible:

Joe Newton (AL)
Rex Object (NH)
CrashNBurn (IL)
Tormod (CA)
Gailees (NV)
Mark Valshannar (OK)
captaincaps (OR)
Daphne Lilac (CO)
Kazeal (AZ)
Seeker1 (ME)
Perrin (MD)
EvanTheAwesome (MA)
Cujo Mayo (T😵
mjdiv (NY)
Lex Scandalex (DE)
Zcia (FL)

Remember these individuals, as well, and do not send them back to eWashington to represent us. Weak.

Former General
Former Congressman
Former Vice President
Currently Disgusted