Part 1 - War, Military and Foreign Affairs (Derek Harland)

Day 851, 15:33 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Part 1: War, Military and Foreign Affairs

I previously announced that I was going to be running for Prime Minister of Canada here: I made it clear in my article that if I was elected there are three things I would see accomplishe😛 1) Get eCanada involved in a direct war that we can win while at the same time asserting ourselves more in the New World politics. 2) Establish some confidence in the economy again and 3) Get eCanada prepared for v2 and if it comes in April/implement our plans. I will talk about each section in three different articles more broadly with today’s being about war, the military and foreign affairs.

I am not sure who else has experienced this, but eCanada hasn’t felt the same without Operation Teabag or during WWIII. When eCanada was involved in a direct war there was a strong sense of national pride, unity and cohesion that made eCanada a strong fighting force. In the battle of Northern Ireland, eCanada managed to build the wall into underground against the United Kingdom AND her multiple MPPs. Only a level 6 enemy was able to stop us by doing 50,000 damage points at the end of the battle, securing Northern Ireland. The fighting force I saw from eCanada that day showed me the true power we have when we fight with our strongest will and might. The invasion of the United Kingdom was the first time in a few months when there was energy and activity in eCanada. 2 months later, the world is in a lull. With Lana being instituted and draining gold out of the government’s war chests, countries are unwilling to start wars and everyone is waiting for v2. Whether v2 comes in the next president’s term or not, I want eCanada to be in a war we can win.

Right now we are not geographically in a position to do so. As I stated in the last article we are surrounded by the United Kingdom, EDEN-occupied France and the United States, as well as Ireland. None of these are viable options to attack and we are now left in our current predicament – the public clamoring for war and a lull. Naturally, I can’t reveal any plans I have had for eCanada getting involved in a war or how I plan on doing this. Right now most of the military action that is being done is in the South American-South African theatre and that is understandable. The admins revealed diamonds will be turned into titanium which will be used to produce tanks and helicopters. South Africa is very rich in diamonds and there is a fight over who will get to occupy South Africa and her diamonds. The North American bros have a chance to get involved more directly with the Brazil and Argentinean colonizations of South Africa and I would like to see that done.

There are ways for eCanada to have some fun in a REAL war. Some patriotism wouldn’t hurt eCanada at this point and when we are all fighting as one; our country has achieved some magnificent victories. Not only does war bring eCanadians a reason to continue playing the game, it also adds a significant boost to our economy. Both wages and prices are down incredibly because no one needs to buy right now. Weapon prices are down to a paltry 1.70 CAD and it is almost impossible for weapon companies to make profit off of that. But the reason for it is understandable; there is no reason for the average citizen to purchase weapons in numbers because there isn’t a real war to fight in. People are clambering for war in eCanada, and I am one of those people as well. For it to happen though it requires creativity and planning and if elected, we will see eCanada in a real war.


I have had the pleasure of being the Minister of Defence for the last two months under jbdivinus and Chucky Norris administrations. These two are some of the finest Prime Ministers I have seen in eCanada and it’s been a pleasure working for and with them. During my time as MoD, I have seen the dedication and enthusiasm our Canadian Armed Forces have for helping out eCanada and our allies in war. They are an excellent fighting force and watching the swarm of beautiful CAF avatars tearing down a wall or building it back up gets me every time. The high command of the CAF all work endlessly to improve the efficiency and organization of the CAF and with v2 on the horizon, they are doing all they can to make sure our army is ready for the changes that come and we are fully adapted quickly and properly. That is the biggest challenge for the CAF as we all approach a very different time period. Being MoD for this term I have been involved in the discussions ongoing and the changes that need to be made and as Prime Minister I could continue contributing to the cause because I want to see eCanada as ready as possible for the new version.

As far as changes on how the military works, there isn’t much I would change. Chucky Norris has done an excellent job setting up exchange programs with other national armies to see how they function and for foreign soldiers to see how the CAF operates. I will work to continue this with strong allies so that we can help each other and find out what the strengths and weaknesses of our two armies are. Our army is one of, if not the best cost-efficient army in the New World because we don’t use tanks and spend heaps of gold to fund them. For the same price of a tank we manage to pay for about 1500 Q1 weapons which will not only help the economy but also allows us to do a lot of damage as well. The CAF operates well and there is no need for change. However, I do want to see eCanada keeping up with the current tankers of the New World and that is why I will be offering gold for training to any eCanadians over 25 strength.

It has always been of my opinion that the national army deserves whatever funding they need. It is clear to everyone that eRepublik is first a war game and our national army needs as much funding as possible to not only keep our citizens ranking up and getting stronger, but also able to defend our national security and help our allies abroad. I will fully support the CAF budget and support whatever funding they need. I want to keep our army operating at full strength and make our fighting force as best as it can be.

Finally, I have always supported private armies and admired their initiative in making the game fun for many citizens. Many eCanadians find it hard to keep playing this game and that’s understandable. Armies like the TCO, CPF Praetors and the CPP army all do well in keeping interest with their members and providing them with a fun way to stay involved. With V2 coming around, the private armies in eCanada will become even more important. Countries will need to use combined arms like infantry, tanks, helicopters and artillery and private armies could specialize their soldiers for a highly effective team of soldiers. Imagine this: eCanada will become a top tank producer in the New World with their titanium resource. With this, we will have tanks rolling through our enemies but the helicopters can take out tanks. If we have tanks storming in, a private army could specialize in artillery to take out the helicopters going after our tanks. This makes the private armies even more important. I will encourage more teamwork and co-operation between the militias and the CAF as well as keep their funding going to make sure they are strong fighters on the battlefield.

Foreign Affairs

With the addition of titanium in the game, we will now see the resource-rich country we have, actually have one of the important resources of the game. Titanium will be used to produce tanks and helicopters and we have 2 of the 9 high titanium regions in the New World. To say that this substantially increases our importance in the New World would be an understatement. Not only are countries going to be considering invading us to get at our high titanium regions, we will also be contacted for rental purposes and foreign companies will be setting up base in our territory. This is eCanada’s best chance to become a world power (apart from a massive baby boom) and that is why at this point I do not support renting any of our titanium regions. Not only does it allow us to become a top arms producer of tanks in the world, I could not sell out Canadian home soil and sell out all of the people who have spent their gold to buy companies in eCanada.

With that being said, I will make sure that we assert ourselves more in the New World. EDEN and the Brolliance are all we hold dear to our security and I will continue to honour our commitments. The Canadian Armed Forces has always been fully willing to go on operations to help out our allies as best as we can and I will continue to make sure this happens. Our role in the New World is increasing, especially with the EDEN Supreme Commander at the moment, jbdivinus, hailing from eCanada and the Assistant Military Commander, 1ronman, also from eCanada. I want to make sure we are recognized from our allies and that we are no longer considered a weak country and we start to have our own priorities.

This has been the 1st part of a 3 part series to illustrate my plans for eCanada. Here is the tl:dr version of my 1st platform:

1) l will get eCanada into a real war that we can win and give our citizens a reason to continue playing the game.
2) The CAF and private armies will continue to be funded well and their needs will be attended to. The exchange program will be kept running and Lana funding for tanks over 25 strength will be offered.
3) I will not support selling out any of our titanium regions and I will make sure we assert ourselves in world politics while continuing helping our allies abroad.

The French edition of this will be up either tonight or tomorrow and I apologize in advance for any delay in the translation. The 2nd part of my platform will be on the economy and it will be up later this week. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a comment or send me a PM and I will be happy to answer them.

Derek Harland