Our Spirit, Our Strength, Our Military

Day 575, 16:50 Published in USA USA by Ryan Fisher

Now a days when people talk about what moves our military, the conversation eventually turns to gas prices. But what some people do not realize is that it is not just gas that moves our troops. It is our spirit and our strength that moves our forces.

We get our spirit from our beliefs. We believe that all people deserve to be free, and that the populations of any country deserve to have a say in their government. Our belief of freedom is what has driven our forces to protect our lands and it is what has driven them to help free others. Their spirit is what helps them fight to free an oppressed people and it is what drives our bravest to sacrifice their lives in the name of our freedom.

We get our strength from our unwavering perseverance. Our perseverance is what allowed us to hold on long enough for the French during the Revolutionary War even though we were severally out manned and out gunned. It is what allowed us to pull our country back together after the Civil War. It is what allowed us to push forward on the beaches of Normandy. Our strength makes out military strong. It makes us an unstoppable force.

Gas is not what drives our Tanks into battle. Money is not what puts the weapons and armor in the hands of our troops. It is us. Our spirit and our strength, our hopes and our dreams. All of this is what drives our military to be great. To know that failure means that there is now more child left hungry, or that one more group of people to be enslaved. That is what drives all of our forces, from the Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, and the National and Coast Guard.

Our military is second to none. It will more than likely remain that way for sometime. If it came down to defending our nation with sticks and stones our military would keep the fight going. We are great because of our spirit, our strength, our military.