Our Omnius World

Day 683, 05:20 Published in USA USA by Clevinger

I’d ask that you all read the entire article before posting, but I’m going to assume that some of you will instead write First or ‘Great Job!’ and then link your own article. So go ahead, just read it after if you want to keep you mind expanding.

Omnium is a word famously coined by Flann O'Brien also known as Brian O'Nolan while writing one of his most captivating novels, The Third Policeman, where a man who’s name you never learn, becomes a fanatic of the written works of an imaginary author known as De Selby. During this time of exploring the works of De Selby, he explores his own mind and twists and bends his reality to find and come across omnium. In short, Omnium’s very existence can be defined as: “the fundamental substance of the Universe,” which can be shaped, perceived, and felt differently depending on the individual who comes across it.

Similarly to Omnium, our minds can be bent in a similar fashion, as well as our answer to a deep question can be changed based on the surroundings as well as the current internal state of any given person. To put it in simpler terms, if one were to ask you ”How are you feeling?” right now, you’d give your current mood, or if you are the standard gamer, you’d say, “good u?” However, if I were to play you a deeply impactful sad song, such as The Fray – How To Save A Life prior to allowing you to see or even consider the question, your answer will likely be drastically different than before.

On that thought, I bring to you the new change to how my articles will be written. I will not update you directly on the news within eRepublik, I will not update you on the news in real life, I will not update you on any celebrity, or any device besides that which you can denote as your own mind. Every few days, I will post a question, conundrum, or just something to think about, to perhaps perceive differently than you normally see it. My goal is to open people’s eyes to all trains of thought, and to be willing to trying thinking in environments they are not normally used to. I strongly encourage you to create a background, whether it’s playing your favourite song, or watching your favourite telly show in the background, and then when answering or commenting to the postulate of the article, you write your surroundings. Also, when answering to the article, one word is sometimes enough, but it is always interesting to see what people write, so please try to open your mind and write whatever comes to your head, even if it has nothing to do with the postulate – who knows, your brainstorming may lead to my next articles question (which you will be cited for). In addition, I will post what background I have while asking the question.

For example, if the question was “What’s up”
“Backgroun😛 Dust in the Wind by Kansas
Not too much, trying to move on with life, seeing wherever the wind takes me”

This way, others may see your background, and may attempt to recreate it, in hopes to see how you perceive, or to take a similar perception and make it their own.

Source: Robert Fludd's depiction of perception (1619).

This is to get you to think. If you wish to remain contented with the idea of “ignorance is bliss” then I would safely say that these articles are not for you. However, if you are one of the many who explore his or her mind to the fullest, then I behoove you, read on.

Will you finally give us today’s question?
Today’s thought is something that I have fallen victim here today in this article. On average, a natural English speaker will primarily use only 200 words from the English language on a regular basis. Philosopher Friedrich Neitzche liked to argue that writers and philosophers would use tougher words in the English language when writing to prop up their own image of intelligence and therefore cause people to agree blindly to whatever was written as accurate. This is even when grilled down to the basic level, many times it could’ve been said much more simply (like this question) and therefore allowed more of the general public to truly understand it’s beauty and formulate ideas on the written work better.

So what I ask you is, “Is it the writers job to write so that their works are easier understood, or is it the masses job to learn and comprehend more of the English language? Why?”

Background: My bed, watching CNBC on silent, petting my cat, and listening to The Machine Code is No More (which may take up to a minute to load) which the song can be alternatively downloaded at this link by right clicking and hitting “Save Target As”. You can also perform this same procedure on the short animation.