Our First RW (1/60)...Shield report..

Day 2,200, 00:49 Published in Malaysia Chile by Hazwani Hanum Hashim
Asslamaualaikum and salam 1eMalaysia

Battle at peninsular Malaysia already finish just now..we have achieved the target that have been set..

As we all know that etahi government request 3000gold for releasing Sarawak and then they increase the amount to 3500gold..We all know that we don't have that amount of money..

So we decided to become a routine RW organizer...If 3000gold..we can get total 60 RW...that why I put the title (1/60)..this is the first RW among the total 60 RW marathon..

Shield report



Do you see the different..this what we achieved in previous two RW (Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia)..almost 3 billion shield was drained..they drain our 6 billon shield in 1 RW with huge amount of resource were spent..

We only organized the RW..and we only spent minimal supply and money..but we got 3 billion shield point drain..how irony this is..

we will take it or drain it slow and steady..

Future Plan

we have no plan to take a region from etahi for time being..we will continue this marathon of RW..Our target only to drain their shield and resources..We also can get some medal and can ensure we can have a DO..

Thank you.

Loyal Citizen
Hazwani Hanum
Rebel Army