Optimizing our MPP stack

Day 1,830, 14:05 Published in Canada Canada by chriswen

First of all to fund MPP's you need money. And we also need to have enough money for MU funding and infrastructure for MU's and new players. So, to get this money we might need a tax rates. I am against high taxes but I'm okay if we go through with the 15% proposed. I just feel that high tax rates and also low import taxes is really bad for the Canadian economy and Canadian citizens. And a very high VAT tax may lower our government revenue.

Now with that money we need MPPs to fight. Any extra money we will then use for MU funding and infrastructure funding. This funding is really important but, MPPs are needed to be allowed to fight. So what I propose is to optimize our MPPs.

First we'll have two modes. Peace mode and war mode. Currently we are in peace mode. War mode is when we are being attacked or we go on the offensive.

FYI, currently we are in EDEN. We are allied with all EDEN countries but that doesn't mean we need to sign a MPP with all of them. We need to optimize this and it will be beneficial for us and our allies.

Peace mode:
During peace mode we need MPPs to fight and support our allies easier. We sign our MPPs with countries that are actively at war. If there is a big number of EDEN countries at war we choose the countries that have the most important wars and also the ones that need our damage the most. Also we should take into account time zones.
If there is a low number of EDEN countries at war we can also MPP with countries where war is imminent or where they are in threat of a war. This does not mean we spend the rest of our MPP budget. We need to keep a reserve fund for War mode.

War mode:
When war is imminent or when we are threatened for war we will enter war mode. This means that all our citizens will be focused on the war at hand. It is inefficient to MPP with countries that have citizens that would be busy in a war. When in war mode we now need to use our MPP reserve fund to sign a lot of MPPs. This will ensure winning the War.
But, this does not mean we don't think. We need to choose our MPPs based on citizens that are able to fight for us, demographics (divisions), and time zone.

So what's the point?
The purpose of this is to optimize MPP spending. But it requires strong fiscal policy. We need a MPP reserve for war time. If we don't or if we use the money we'll be screwed. Also, if we don't go to war this method will be very beneficial and save a lot of money. This money can be used towards military units and help the citizens of Canada. It can also be used to help secure victory during war time (MPPs, more MU funding, higher collective strength).
Optomizing MPP spending has no negative effects and will allow for more new player programs, higher MU funding, and will help secure a victory during war.