Operation Twofold Bay: We’re back!

Day 673, 17:45 Published in Australia Australia by Derek Apollyon

Caption: PEACEkeepers clash with EDEN Suppporters

I would firstly like to jump right into the fray and point out one major misconception about Operation Twofold Bay: We'd go to war with Indonesia as soon as we signed the MPPs as part of our membership in EDEN.

I can say without hesitation that that is 100% incorrect.

Cottus never implied we'd go to war with eIndo as soon as we MPPed. That was pure conjuncture by other individuals (*looks at William Shafer*).

This is more about eAustralia finally making a stand and doing what is right in the current global conflict that has been going on these past months, and that is by trying to keep PEACE out of regions that do not belong to them. Some would call PEACE's actions "Imperialism," but I just refer to it as being Bullies on a global scale.

So there are a few things which some individuals have failed to point out as a "pro" to joining EDEN, the first one is a little element in the game called experience points (which correct me if I'm wrong, is the driving force behind all other activities in eRepublik).

I even have the numbers (in the form of nice pretty graphs) to prove that without being in constant battles, eAus will fall lower in the rankings as the days go by. During the eChile and eArgentina wargames, eAustralia was actually ranked in the in the top 20 nations of eRepublik (we actually got as high as #18, ranked higher than eGermany). But we've gone into decline, and are currently ranked #23 (and big surprise, the countries ranked higher than us are the ones who are currently in a state of near-constant conflict).

Under the current format, it equals to 290 EXP per citizen per month. In the daily fighting format, it's actually 390 EXP (yes, a total difference of 100 EXP for those 10 days a month we don't fight). So let's take this info and put it in a larger picture.
Current Format: 2823 (population) * 290 EXP (per citizen) = 818,670 EXP
Daily Format: 2823 (population) * 390 EXP (per citizen) = 1,100,970
... wow, that's a total difference of 282,300 EXP on a national scale! (~1/3rd of the current format!)

There are also economic benefits to joining EDEN, the main one being that since we'd be involved in a war virtually 24/7, the demand for products (Weapons, Gifts, and MTs) would be much more consistent than what it is now; this stability will ripple out into the RMs of the respective industries.

Now I get to a interesting point (which I don't think has been raised yet), "Why not join PEACE GC? We'd get all the same benefits as EDEN and we wouldn't have to worry about being invaded."

My answer to this wraps back around to what I said earlier, PEACE GC has been (for the better part of this year) the Primary (if not only) aggressor in eWorld affairs. So would eAustralia really want to align with such a power in exchange for "regional security"? Are we really that chicken to stand up for what is right? Are we really bought that cheaply?

The first article Operation Twofold Bay is the highest voted article in Australia's history - this not only shows EDEN's support to ensure they have our back in this project, but also some big Australian names have pledged their support to this cause, too.


And now, a message from our fearless leader, Cottus Arci:

"Historically you have been at the forefront of negotiations with Indonesia, why the backflip now?" ~TheBlackAdder

I'll take it upon myself to just bring these few points to the table in regards to this comment:

I was at the forefront of the negotiations for every single state;
- The initial agreement that gave us our nation back, and NSW & VIC
- As Prime Minister, he secured NT and laid the foundations for QLD.
- He was a key representative along for the ultimatum agreement, AIRRA, which secured us TAS, SA & the false promise of WA.
- No-one has dealt with the Indonesian Government in talks like these more than Cottus (not even patti11! 😛 ) .

Doesn't that make him one of the most experienced to make the most accurate step for our future?

I cannot stress this more... this would not be a matter of joining EDEN so we can attack PEACE native regions (by this I mean their original regions).... this would be a matter of joining EDEN in their fight to liberate their conquered lands against PEACE.

A cause is nothing, if it is not a just one.