Operation Polandball

Day 2,112, 02:52 Published in Chile Slovenia by cen1

With Serbia almost deleted from USA, France and Italy it is now time for CoT to start planning the invasion on Poland.

Poland has the safest path to 10/10 bonus because they only need to occupy 3 countries to achieve that goal: Germany, Netherlands and France. Neither of them was a superpower at any point in time of e-history. These 3 countries also do not have any stronger ally nearby to help them.

Poland also hosts the majority of TWO Military Unit weapon companies so if CoT manages to cut their resources the whole TWO economy will suffer.

USA has already placed their NE law against Polan😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/131810
Mexico is expected to follow shortly.

The first priority is to give initiative back to USA and then slowly start liberating their regions. Canada could also give a hand if nesessary.
The way of attack and RW combo should be along the East Coast so USA gets border with regions in France as soon as possible. Other regions can be returned by RWs and by Mexico while USA helps in Europe.

Meanwhile heavy RWs must be started in France, Germany, Netherlands and Russia (Kaliningrad). At the same time all 4 countries can also open NE on Poland. In total it is possible to achieve 6 simultaneous Natural Enemies on Poland if everything is planned correctly. As far as I know some of these countries have a NAP signed so a more probable outcome will be fighting in RWs only (I assume Germany).

Russia is still at war with Ukraine but they currently have no NE so they could attack from the East. Hungary is still quite some time away before they reach Russian border but probably not enough.

The first and hardest RWs must be started in Saxony and Northern Bohemia so all bonuses are cut right away.

1. Joint attack by USA and Mexico, possibly Canada
2. RWs all over European regions
3. Either follow asap by NEs or wait until USA can join in Europe
4. If situation looks good and Hungary does not advance too fast in Ukraine, Russia can join
5. Some CoT country can join the party with AS if they feel like it

The most important thing for CoT now is to keep on the invasions and momentum. TWO is suffering from internal issues and their military coordination is very poor. Attack is our best defense.