Online Strategy(!!!) Game...

Day 2,683, 06:57 Published in Albania Turkey by Romy.TR

All of us know that, eRepublik is known as an "Online STRATEGY Game"..

Today can anyone see any "Strategy" in this game?

Strategy for Economic Module dead years ago...
Strategy for Politics Dead... Most of experienced Players are inactive for all countries, you can see this at Elections.
Strategy for Military Dead.. You dont need power, if u can BUY CC you can win any wars..
Strategy for Social Dead, any new players in game? Any Action?

After Dictatorship, many small countries will finish.. PTO is legal now..


why we're still here? Only cos of our friends and ex-Relationships.. Most of ppl use shouts as "twitter"..

Come on Admins, close "Shout Module" and kill the game...

Or you MUST update game by radical changes...

An eRepublik Citizen