ONE {New World Order}

Day 1,260, 10:20 Published in Serbia Serbia by Simonovic94

Dobar dan, danas sam pisao o najacem savezu, ONE...

Spajanjem nekoliko zemalja I potpisivanje sporazuma nastaje NOVI SVETSKI POREDAK

Prve ideje pocinju da se stvaraju na tlu Poljske I Madjarske, one su bile za to da dodje do novog svetskog poretka, a njihova dobra RL veza, samo je to I potvrdila I zajdno se udruzili protiv Rumuna, Srbiji je dojadio feniks jer su svi iskljucivo kukali da im pomognemo, nikad ništa od njih nismo imali.

Ljudi koji su stvarali ONE, su sledeci: Gregory Gallagher, Nalaja, Smrtan, aVie, Stimi, Goolem, Mixliarder, StrozeR,Pierre Dzoncy, Cerber, Vingaer, Clueless, Kistru, Kibla, gid1, Durruti, Angeldav, Athompson, mikel_ahone, Ernst, Baltazar8.. Ovi ljudi su o tome razgovrali I razvijali film pre otprilke pola godine. Tacan datum je tesko odrediti ali se moze uzeti dogadjaj kad su eSrbija i ePoljska potpisale MPP.

Uslova za ulazak u ovu jaku alijansu zapravo I nije bilo, nju su cinile I cine cetiri super sile. A to su Madjarska, Poljska, Srbija I Spanije. Danas ovaj savez je ojacan sa jos dve clanice a to su Makedonija I Svedska, koje su na dobrom puta da udju u rang gore napomenutih cetri svetskih sila.

Sto se tice dogadjaja koji su posluzili za stvaranje ONE, pa bilo ih je mnogo, medjutim onaj koji se moze istaci to je Rumunsku-Poljskim MPP, kao I potpisivanje Poljsko-Madjarskog pakta, eSrbija se u to vreme znatno isticala jer je imala najveci broj aktivnih igraca I mogla je da pokrije sve bitke svojih saveznika.

Prva bitka nije bila nimalo „Laka“ to je bila bitka za Centralnu Madjarsku 3. Februara ove godine, tada se savezn ONE okusa i video u stvari koliko su oni na dobrom putu, jer su slogom uz dosta napora pobedili i odmacili daleko Rumusku vojsku iz centra Madjarske.

Ovih dana ono na sta su fokusrani pogledi ONE, jesu ratovi koje Srbija vodi, ONE ima dosta planova protiv EDENA, i na ovu situaciju gleda sa jednim velikm osmehom jer EDEN zaista usao u „minsko polje“..

Jako velika razlika izmedju ONE i EDENA, jeste u tome sto se ONE oslanja na svoju vojsku na ljude, dok se EDEN oslanja na dolare i eure, oslanjaju se na MasterCard i vise to nikada nece biti ona igra, svi smo sada svesni da je ona izgubila onu draz, kada ljudi izdvajaju poslednju hlet da bi dobili a ne poslednji euro. Uprkos ovome desavaju se razne stavri poput ovih: odbrana španije od napada sa tri strane, brisanje bugara , kao I brisanje hrvatske I jos milion stavri koje su se cinile nemogucim..

Nekoliko padova mogli bi da se okarakterisu kao jedine greske ONE, a to su izgubljeni ratovi u Brazilu kao I gubljenje Srpskih regija na teritoriji Azije.

Kao naistaknutiju drzavu izdvoji bih Poljsku trenutno. Jednostavno ljudi rade kao sat. Oduševljavaju me non-stop nacinom rada i zalaganjem za sve saveznike. Imaju i oni od nas šta da nauce ali u ovom momentu bi mi mogli od njih da pokupimo gomilu stvari...

All for ONE and ONE for all!

Hteo bih da izrazim zahvalnost igracima: smrtan, Kulgar i gid1 na informacijama!


ENG. Version

Combining several countries and the signing of the agreement a New World Order is started.

The first ideas begin to form on Polish and Hungary soil, they were for it to come to a new world order and their good RL, only confirms this together they teamed up against Romania. Serbia was tired of the Phoenix because all of them asked for the help, but didn' give anything in return.

People who have created the ONE, the following are: Gregory Gallagher, Nalaja, smrtan, aVie, Stim, Goolem, Mixliarder, StrozeR, Cerber,Pierre Dzoncy, Vingaer, Clueless, kistra, Qibla, gid1, Durruti, Angeldav, Athompson, mikel_ahone, Ernst, Baltazar8 .. These people are talked and developed film about half year ago. The exact date is difficult to determine but can be taken when eSerbia ePoland and signed MPP.

Conditions for entry into this strong alliance were not there, it had done and consists of four super powers countries. These are Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Spain. Today, this alliance has been strengthened with two more members Macedonia and Sweden, which are at the good path to enter the rank above mentioned four world super powers countries.

As for events that are used to produce the ONE, and there were many, however, one that can be noted is that the Romanian-Polish MPP, as well as the signing of the Polish-Hungarian Pact, eSerbia at that time,was much asserted because it had the highest number of active players and was able to cover all the battles of its allies.

The first battle was not really "easy". it was a battle for third Central Hungary In February this year, then the federal ONE sented and saw, in fact, that they are on the right track, because of their unanimouslity a lot of effort they won and pull back Romania from the center of the Hungarian army.

These days, one on what ONE were focused , are the wars that Serbia leads.ONE has lots of plans against EDEN, and looking at this situation with a smile, because it attempts to match EDEN really entered the "minefield" ..

Very big difference between ONE and Eden, is the fact that they rely on their army, to the people, while EDEN relies on the dollar and euro, they rely on MasterCard and Visa, that will never be the same game, we are all now aware that game lose the charm, when people set aside the last streingt to get the battle, but not the last euro. Despite this, it happens many different things such as: the defense of Spain against attack from three sides, clear of the Bulgarians, as well as deletion of Croatian and a million stuff that seemed impossible ..

A few drops could be characterized as only mistakes of ONE, and that are wars that have been lost in Brazil as well as loss Serbian regions in the territory of Asia.

As well-marked state I would allocate Poland at the moment. People do as watch. They are Exciting me with non-stop mode and dedication to all allies. They also have what to learn of us, but at this point we could to pick up a bunch of stuff of them...

All for ONE and ONE for all!

I want to thank the players😒mrtan, Kulgar and gid for information.
