Once upon a time...

Day 1,001, 10:47 Published in Italy Brazil by colly

You know, admins are very unpredictable people. But since the last month they have advertised new feature in a very intelligible way.

Today the new food feature has started. You can heal up to 300 health point and probably unlimited happiness points.

Well, that's cool!

But wait a moment. If I can buy unlimited food, why should I buy a Q3 food, with let's say 9 happiness points, at 3 local currency if I can buy 3 Q1 food, 3 happiness point each, for less?

What does it mean?

Well, it means only one thing...

Food companies with quality greater than one now have the same value of a Q1 food company!!


I have 9 Q5 food companies, so admins please give me (390 - 20) x 9 = 3330 gold back.

Best regards.
