On the one hand, AFA gets a few seats. On the other, we all get a congress.

Day 2,105, 18:01 Published in USA USA by Kortanul
This Paper's not of my usual quality level, but it needs saying. Screw pictures, excessive formatting, and line breaks just this once.

First I'd like to thank everyone that took part in the ATO efforts, especially the Feds. We all tried hard to block AFA out of the top 5, and the Federalist Party bled more members in trying than most parties will ever even dream of having in total. Easy as it is to look at the top 5 and glare at the Feds for having the numbers for more, it's realistically not easy to move dozens of members to multiple other parties in just a few hours after pushing your most active members long before.

Despite even my own statements in response to the sour feeling of defeat after coming so close, I do believe the Feds did more than their fair share this round, and for that many thanks are owed. Let us all take a moment to recognize the Feds' entirely disproportionate efforts to make us successful in blocking AFA this month. Now, if only the 6ths would perhaps take similar interest in what happens in their own damned country and help some next time?

This said, I'm happy to say that the eUS will have a congress after this day, and for that we all should celebrate. Our work taxes will be reduced, we'll be able to bring home many of our loyal players and fighters, and we'll actually be in control of our country rather than sitting around with a powerless forum-based meta-congress that can't actually do anything. We're coming back, we're retaking America, and the PTO is weaker than ever. We may have lost this month, but we'll beat RGR back and we'll see our congress free of that filth soon enough.

In conclusion, while we lost one battle, we won the more important one of getting our congress at all. My friends, we've suffered long, but expect to see the work tax below 10% soon enough.