On Taking Responsibility

Day 2,168, 18:01 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

Dear fellow citizens,

I could not have returned in a more critical time of our nations history. Our nation is critically ill.

An old African proverb says "When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot hurt you". For us, that will be a utopia far beyond our reach.

On critical positions in our nation severe misconduct has taken place, negatively impacting the nation as a whole up to this very day. I will share with you just a few of these incidents, as I am afraid there are many more I have not found out about yet.

1. Creating a new official irc channel for eNetherlands
Country President van Spijck took the liberty to create a new irc channel. It was absolutely not in his right as a president to do so. And his reason?

Since our former National irc channel #eunl has been taken over by ElGorro and his group, it is no longer our National channel.

That is correct, someone he did not like had more power than him. Very good reason, especially since the constitution clearly mentions that the government is only for day-to-day management.

2. A CoC voting against his own impeachment
At the time CoC Piet Heyn voted against termination of himself as CoC. Now this might be perfectly legal according to the law, it is quite a sad move that I have not ever seen before. Every polite person would have abstained. His vote wasn't even needed to gain a majority.

3. Disbanding a foreign embassy
Country President van Spijck took the liberty to disband the eBelgian embassy - again without any legal foundation for his power to make such a decision. The reason, again, is because someone he did not like became the ambassador.

4. Absence of all financial accountability
Despite several valid requests (here and here), certain elements in congress willfully break the law because it is quite clearly stated in the eNL book of law that the government must provide full openness on all financial matters without any possible exception.

5. The government does not have to comply with the law
Yes, really. My name is not Garmr Orwell. There are people who actually vote that our government does not have to comply to the law I just stated in my previous point. Disturbingly enough, nearly all of these people take part in the government.

The following congress representatives feel our government should do whatever it wants without any regard for the laws upheld by our country for many years:

frederik hendrik
Piet Heyn
van Spijck

Do you feel this is normal, or even good for our nation? Then close your eyes and remain asleep. But to those of you who can not live like this anymore, who are sick and tired from fighting for what almost seemed a lost cause, I have one thing to say.

Get mad and viva la Garmrolución.