Official TC Statement re INCI

Day 1,200, 21:18 Published in USA USA by Synesi

Official Statement of the Training Corps Regarding INCI

Members of INCI are no longer allowed in the Training Corps and will be issued a denial letter as of March 4, 2011, Day 1200 erep.

In the past week alone, never mind the last month, I have devoted over 80% of my time online dealing with issues relating or stemming from INCI. As the CO of the Training Corps, I should be concentrating on THE TRAINING CORPS, how to make it better and how to train better citizens and troops. The same is true for my fellow officers and TC members.

I review every ban in #tc and in TC. It used to average 1-2 per 3 months. Now, it averages, 3-4 per DAY. In the past week alone, I have personally dealt with trolling, ultimatums, threats, and promises to spam #tc because of the decisions I have made. TC Officers, TC troops and #TC people have tolerated the worse of it all. The recent trend in behavior has included trolling, name calling, spam and, more importantly, leaking TC internal documents.

There is CLEARLY something wrong or amiss here. INCI members have been incapable of conducting themselves in a civil manner. From trolling, insulting, posting inappropriate links, complaining, issuing threats...enough is enough.

Moreover, I resent and criticize all instances of threats and ultimatums that I have directly received from PTO and other members of INCI. Such attitude and actions should be actionable.

As the CO of the Training Corps, I hereby issue a general ban on all members of INCI to the Training Corps. To those members of INCI who have conducted themselves in a respectable and amicable manner, I truly and honestly apologize. It IS unfair that your group has decided to conduct themselves in such a manner as to prevent you individually from enjoying other aspects and associations in the game. Yes, it is VERY unfair. But, we can no longer spend time on wasteful activities that add very little to the training of troops or the fostering of a community. To those people, and those only, I petition that you contact me directly for review of your application.

To those already in TC. We welcome you to stay. You are here on your own merit and shall triumph or fail as such. In other words, you are welcomed and you make your own path. You will not be banned or discharged for being a member of INCI.

The Training Corps is the stepping stone of the military. As such, we pride ourselves not only, in the training and fostering of soldiers, but in creating a community that is, above all else, FUN and welcoming. When the behavior of a group specifically and instrumentally interrupts the fostering of that community, that community should take action. When members of that community decide to leave because of bad behavior by another group, the leader of that community should take action.

I am taking action. As the General of the Training Corps, I hereby reinforce my ban on all INCI members, pending a review from me for merit.

Signed by
General Morrigan Alexandros

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