Offday Suggestion Day 1849

Day 1,849, 14:54 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Koragi

Hello all, and welcome to the first suggestion day. Suggestion days will happen twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays, its going to be a day that you can get involved in my newspaper just by leaving a suggestion in the comments below. I would like for you all to leave me names of animes that I can watch to review and some interesting facts about Japan that I can look up for the "Did you know" days, so that I can try to put some culture into the people of eJapan. Also, if you have any suggestions of things that I should add to my newspaper go ahead and tell me, I dont mind constructive criticism as long as it's getting me somewhere and teaching me new things that I should employ into this newspaper.

Today's battle article: Battle article Day 1849
Yesterday's culture article: Culture article 1848

Also, I'd like to thank everyone for their support so far to my newspaper and to me in making this newspaper.

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