NSNBC: Congress, Cuba, and Fundraising

Day 2,464, 16:19 Published in Norway Canada by KeshaWarrior
NSNBC: International News that's More Colorful

Today is Day 2,464 and these are today's top stories.

NSNBC will start a project to make NSNBC the International Center for New World News, by launching www.nsnbcnews.com which will redirect you to the NSNBC page. We hope this will make it easier for viewers to get to our stories from all around the world.

We are happy to welcome Australia in our neck of the woods. We hope our allies will be comfortable and safe for their time here in Scandinavia.

The war with the UK will be over soon as Finland will start the process to wipe Norway, they will also keep a southern Norwegian region to help protect us from our enemies.

The Congressional Elections are starting to get in motion, many of us will be running and we will see how it comes along, I plan on running myself, I hope to gain support for the future plans I have for politics in Norway.

Finally, NSNBC has submitted the new logo for the Norwegian Green Party and hopes that it's members will view the modern updated design with the same happiness that NSNBC does with all the logos it has designed from Aurora, all the way to NGP.

The weather is beautiful here in Norway's capital, no better time or place to get started on today's more in depth story, a discussion of the upcoming events in Norway and how you can be apart of it.

The first thing we're gonna talk about today, are new countries that belong in the New World.

For years I have been a proponent and supporter of an eMicronesia. It's a place I have been many times and would give more life to an isolated Oceania.

We also have Icelandic supporters here in Scandinavia, and we support that nation as well.

What nations do you think belong in the New World?

Things in Norway have been slow and quiet lately. With little coming out of the press (NSNBC included and I apologize for that), little going on in the Government, and little happening in our wars.

As Vice Minister of Home Affairs the lack of motion in this program is my fault, though in my defense, Foreign Affairs haven't exactly been boring in the last few weeks between Lithuania, Asteria, Aurora, and the United Kingdom.

There are financial issues with Gold that are making allocating funds to this Ministry difficult with MPPs being expensive and time to renew them.

I want to know what you want to do, NSNBC can run special contests and will do just that, at least one before the end of this first Presidential and Cabinet term. I hope that, even though the work I do in my ministry isn't very public, you can trust me when I say I am working as hard as I can for you, and Norway.

I hope that in the future, you will trust me with these offices and our Country's international presence again.

In international relations news, Cuba and Norway may become allies for the first time in their history. The negotiations with Cuba are about to start the final phase and we look forward to working with a young nation that needs all the help they can get with the eUSA threat looming over them.

Feel free to message me with new stories, corrections, and suggestions.

Thank you all!