Novi vojni modul! New military module! (INT)

Day 1,560, 10:43 Published in Serbia Chile by THECATWILLY

Pozdrav eGrađani,

Ne bih previše dužio sa uvodom i ponavljao prepričanu priču o jednom tenku koji pobjeđuje cijelu vojsku, nego ću odmah preći na stvar.

Ja smatram da ovaj vojni modul nije dobar. Razmišljao sam o novom rješenju, a da ne bude previše "revolucionaran" jer kao takav je odmah u početku osuđen na propast.

Došao sam do sledeće ideje:

- Vojnici se dijele u 3 kategorije -

a) regruti (recruits)
b) vojnici (soldiers)
c) specijalne snage (special forces)

U kategoriju regruta spadaju svi eGrađani do čina Field Marshal (1.350.000 rank poena).
U kategoriji vojnika spadaju svi eGrađani od čina Legendary Force do čina Legendary Force (od 1.350.000 do 26.500.000 rank poena).
U kategoriji specijalnih snaga spadaju svi eGrađani od čina Legendary Force (26.500.000 rank poena).

Zašto je ovo važno?

Zato što bi u novom modulu prilikom pokretanja svake bitke postojala 3 zida - po jedan za svaku kategoriju vojnika!

Zadržava se isti princip skupljanja poena, ali pobjednik je onaj koji je na kraju mini bitke pobjedio na 2 od 3 zida!

Dakle, regruti udaraju na regrute, vojnici na vojnike, a specijalne snage na specijalne snage! Ne može više neki tenk da napravi 40 mil. infa u kampanji i time obezbjedi novu teritoriju državi, već sada mora da ima podršku u eBeba, kao i osrednjih igrača.

Ovom promjenom bi se iz korijena promjenio pristup samoj igri. Bio bi važan svaki vojnik i svako bi osjećao da doprinosi pobjedi! U ovom slučaju neke zemlje bi se mogle koncetrisati na razvoju eBeba i srednjeg staleža igrača, odnosno regruta i vojnika i tako braniti svoje teritorije! Svjesno gubeći zid specijalnih snaga jer nemaju toliko jake igrače, ali ulažuće velika sredstva i organizaciju za regrute i vojnike! Velike države bi bile pred velikim izazovima da organizuju toliko šarenu vojsku na bojnim poljima i pravilno doziraju štetu.

Ova promjena bi dovela do organizacije novih vojnih jedinica (Military Units) koje bi okupljale samo regrute, samo vojnike ili samo specijalne snage. U tom slučaju bi vojna jedinica regruta bila podjednako važna kao vojna jedinica specijalnih snaga i imala bi privilegije i od države!

Nova pravila sa duplim treninzima će samo produbiti jaz između dobrostojećih igrača i onih koji to nisu, a to će se lako i oslikati na bojnom polju time što će tenkovi dominirati više nego ikad!

Kucnuo je čas, narode eSvijeta, da zajedno usavršimo ovaj modul i da ga kao takvog predstavimo Plato-u!

Molim za veliku podršku u vidu Shouta-a (za International) i Subscribe (za moju prvu MM medalju)!

Shout: Novi vojni modul!


English version:

Hello eCitizens,

I will not waste your time with an introduction and repeated-told story of a tank that wins the whole army, but I will get straight down to business.

I think this military module is not a good. I was thinking about a new solution, without being too "revolutionary" because as such it is at the very beginning doomed to failure.

I came to the following idea:

- Soldiers are divided into 3 categories -

a) recruits
b) soldiers
c) special forces

Recruits: This category includes all eCitizens to the rank of Field Marshal (1.350.000 rank points).
Soldiers: This category includes all eCitizens from rank Field Marshal to the rank of Legendary Force (from 1.350.000 to 26.500.000 rank points).
Special forces: This category includes all eCitizens above rank Legendary Force rank (26.500.000 rank points and more).

Why is this important?

Because in the new module at startup every battle has 3 walls - one for each category of soldiers!

It retains the same principle of collecting points, but the winner is the one who won the 2 of 3 mini battles!

Thus, recruits hit the recruits, soldiers on soldiers and special forces fight Special Forces! No longer tank can make 40 mil. influence in the campaign and provide a new territory to his country! Now it has to have support in eBabys and medium lvl players.

New military module can change this game from the root. Every soldier would be felt to contribute to victory! In this case, some countries could concentrate on developing eBabys and middle-class players (recruits and soldiers) and so defend their territory! Consciously losing the wall of the special forces because they don't have so many strong players, but by investing substantial resources and organization recruits and soldiers! The huge countries would face a big challenge to organize such a colorful army on the battlefield and the proper dose damage.

This change would lead to the organization of new military units that would only gather recruits, only soldiers or only special forces. In that case, the military unit of recruits was as important as military special forces units and have the privileges of the country!

New rules double-training will only widen the gap between the wealthy and those players who are not, and it will be easy and reflect on the battlefield by the tanks dominate more than ever!

The time has come, people of eWorld, to jointly improve this module and as such present to Plato!

I pray for the great support in the form of Shout (for International) and Subscribe (for my first MM medal)!

Shout: New military module!