Fight GREEN in Midtjylland!

Day 636, 08:17 Published in United Kingdom USA by Sossu

UK, down to 2 non-original regions is now losing another one. RW started in Midtjylland is threatening your gateway to Europe, and all brave and capable soldiers of United Kingdom should do everything to stop this plot.


While the government can't make a simple desicion, should UK join a training war or not, they at the same time deny fighting for their citizens. Do not listen to them, but follow the directions to fight always possible. UK wont have a war today, so you must fight in Midtjylland in order to save your possessions in Denmark and raise your fighting skills and wellness.
First your government makes a lousy battle plan for Canadian regions by tanking them heavily, now they try and stop you from fighting. Do not listen, but fight with all you got in Midtjylland!