Norway Quiz Series #3 Results!

Day 3,039, 21:09 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

The Quiz Results:

Questions & Answers

1. Which country recently created a 500,000 square mile marine sanctuary the size of Spain?
Late last year the tiny Pacific nation (smaller than New York City) Palau, created an ocean sanctuary the size of Spain preserving over 80% of its oceans!

2. How much of earth do our world's oceans consume?

Im sorry if this question was a little oddly written! The answer was 71%. The oceans encompass 71% of the worlds surface area.

3. How many sharks are caught and killed each year by humans?
Every year over 100million sharks are caught and killed each year. Although some are by accident the majority were intentional which are caught for multiple purposes such as sport, finning for food or to make beaches safer. The value of the global shark trade is estimated to be at $630million annually which is steadily declining while shark eco tourism is estimated to bring in annual global revenues of $312million which is expected to grow to $780million in the next 20 years.

4. Which is the largest mammal in the world?
Coming in at 30 meters (98ft) long and 170tonnes in weight, the blue whale is the largest mammal in the world and the heaviest known to ever exist.

5. With 56,453 miles of 15% of the worlds 372,384 miles of coastlines, this country has the longest coastline of any country in the world.
I think I might of used some wrong numbers in the question, however the answer is still the same, Canada has more coastline than any other country in the world. I couldn't find accountable numbers in miles so I will use kilometres. Canada has 202,080km of coastline which is way ahead of the #2 nation which is Indonesia which has 54,716km of coastline, roughly just 25% of Canada's.

6. What percent of world trade is done by ships using the worlds oceans?
Roughly 90% of the worlds trades is done by ships.

7. What is a group of jellyfish called?
A group of jellyfish is called a smack!

8. Meaning "Sea of Atlas" which oceans name has ties to 'Atlas' Titan god of endurance and astronomy?

Everybody got this one correct, the answer is the Atlantic Ocean!

The Rankings:

Firstly I just want to thank everyone for participating. It was record breaking in everyway. We had 29 respondents with a total of $805 in total endorsements which is going to the winner. However I also received an annonymous donation this time to the tune of $5,000 for a grand total of $5,805 in winnings to the victor!

We once again had a tie for first place, this time however it was an 8 person tie! Our top 8 players are...
Maine Coon
Per Jostein

We also had 4 players who came in a close 2nd and were very close to making it to the tie breaker each with 7 questions correct...
Russel of House Flory

Congrats to Per Jostein! It seemed the Gods favoured you today! Thank you to everyone who played, I will try to do another one within the next week or two. If you want to know your personal scores, as always you can feel free to drop a comment below or message me directly. Until next time!