No Natural Enemy?!

Day 1,603, 04:11 Published in USA Peru by Hazelrah

It has come to my attention in recent weeks that many, even those who have been playing for a significant amount of time, do not have a full understanding of eRepublik's detailed game mechanics.

For this reason, I have decided to begin a series of articles featuring a particular aspect of game mechanics every other day... providing a brief overview similar to that found in the Wiki.

I'd like to begin the series with the
Natural Enemy.

Natural Enemy is a law that can be used to give your country a 10% influence bonus against a rival nation that shares a border. Every country can have only one natural enemy chosen at a given time. Either congress or the president can propose the law.

If Congress passes the law by a 66% super majority:
1. A free war will be opened between the countries.
2. Citizens of the declaring country get a 10% bonus when fighting against the Natural Enemy
Note: This only applies to the influence made to the "wall". Rank points are not affected by natural enemy.

It is very important for our president/congress to beat a rival nation like Spain to the Natural Enemy declaration. It gives us the attacking advantage.

Once a Natural Enemy is set, it cannot be changed for 7 days. After 7 days have passed, the current Natural Enemy can be changed to another country or set to "No Natural Enemy". If you unset the Natural Enemy, the citizens of your country no longer get a 10% damage bonus. You can set a new Natural Enemy immediately after unsetting the previous one.

You cannot sign a peace treaty with your Natural Enemy: both countries must first unset Natural Enemy before they can sign a peace treaty.

I chose this topic due to its importance in the recent Peace Treaty with Spain.

In order for us to achieve in-game peace with Spain, we first had to unset the Natural Enemy. The first proposal failed to achieve the 66% super-majority needed to pass. The second proposal has passed by a vote of 43-13.

Once the Natural Enemy is unset, then the President can proceed with a Peace Treaty.

Once the peace treaty proposal has passed both congresses (by simple majority) the war will end and in any ongoing battles, the defender will be declared as winner.

While 10 days of peace with Spain might seem initially like a loss, you won't lose any rank points, it doesn't affect your strength, and it allows us to regroup and help our allies.

I hope this helps you understand the way a Natural Enemy and Peace Treaty function mechanically, and why the President is taking the actions she is.

Please comment with any questions or suggestions for the next topic.