No more Dick. I'll miss you.

Day 1,213, 19:36 Published in USA USA by Candor

Richard (Dick) Nixon II

My friend Richard Nixon II is leaving the game.

I don’t normally make a fuss at a departure, but I can’t let this guy pass without a few words.

Nixon is off to college now, and plans to pursue the study of law, with the eventual goal of entering real life politics.

I’ve been lucky enough to have gotten to know Nixon personally over the past year or so, and, as judged by a guy with 20 years in real life politics, Nixon has some natural talents in speaking that I expect will take him far in life. He’s reasonable, calm, and intelligent. His voice is the kind of voice that’s a pleasure to listen to. He’s a likable guy.

In game, Nixon had a few stumbles. It took him quite awhile, in my opinion, to come to understand the art of game politics. He came in with real life ethics and expectations, and this game can tear many of those apart. Many quickly adapt, others fight it for a long time.

So he earned himself some detractors while here.

But I count myself lucky to have known Nixon. He’s really a good person, and damn it, I’m sad we’re losing him but on the other hand I’m very happy to see him go.

I’m going to be looking for Nixon in the news a decade or so from now, because I know this is a kid who’s going to be somebody, and that’s pretty cool.

Bye Richard ;__________;