New name for my newspaper

Day 512, 17:38 Published in Switzerland Pakistan by Dio Hostilian


Since I am not publishing news that is only in Serbian, I decided to change the name of my newspaper. It was called "Zvezdarski glasnik" which means "The Messenger from Zvezdara" where Zvezdara iz a municipality in Belgrade, Serbia where I am from. In Serbian zvezda means a star and zvezdara would mean ... actually I don't know what would that mean, but certainly something that has something to do with many stars.

Now me & my newspaper are based in Switzerland and I decided to translate it's name into the one true European language, the only language that was officially spoken throughout most of the Europe. So, I renamed my newspaper into "Vox astrorum" which means "Voice of stars". I believe that is correct translation. And it goes well with my ename (which is actually Hostilianus, but I believe the "us" ending can be dropped if needed).

So, what do you think about the new name?