New eRussian GoW

Day 2,074, 13:34 Published in Russia Ireland by Genxis

Hello friends, after 68 days with out writting anything, I will make a really important article.

Finally, after 644 days in this boring game, I´m GoW!! I know I haven´t much Strength, but who cares the Strength? 😃

Who is the best player in the eWorld fuckers? who is? say it! ReMiiX!!

I´m not an important tank, but I help as I can.

But guys, if you aren´t GoW yet, no problem! This is just a game.

I dedicate this rank to the victims of the accident of the train in Spain (because I´m 50% spanish). Thanks to everybody for your support and everything.

Special thanks Lily s

I don´t want write much because I´m drunk tired.

I want say thanks to eRussia because its so good with me and I hope to be GoW* and Titan and Administrator in eRussia!!

My condolescence for victims of the train accident

Thanks for all votes and subs! 🙂 Shout please!! Udachi! o7