New Era's Message to the Goverment

Day 1,790, 03:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by howdyho

What does your governemnt give you ?? Scratch your head give it a though for a minute and what is your answer?

After playing he game for a while I have noticed that the government actually give the marjority of it citizens nothing unless you are in the nhs or bef where you get a pittance. Where are the strikes gone forging the community and building up friendships, where are food drops ? where are the grants ? the help for training? business support? there is 1000 gold built up and money being made daily.

Taxs are paid (by you), battles are won sometimes using your own weapons fighting for the eUK , another cp gets into power but nothing changes I havent seen one government for the people, one govenment intent on helping its citizens that fight daily under the union flag, not a governemnt progressing there own rep and grip on power.

New Era demands the government start respecting the majority of the citizens and start to give back , the governments are meant to be here to serve you , not serve themselves, Time for more power to the people time for the governments to start helping it citizens New Era makes these promises

1 We will fight for the average player

2 We will fight for more strikes

3 we will fight for the government to do more for you whoever is in power

4 We will fight for a food for all program.

Sick of having no money? Sick of buying your own weapons to fight the governments wars?

Sick of not being able to turn to your government for support? Time to make yourself heard , dont be a forgotten player in a party just because you joined them at the start as what have they done for you since then?

Have they been loyal to you ? have they served your needs ? do they voice how you feel ?

Today you can make a change you can show these old parties that the people matter , and it time to join a party that cares.New Era is different we are the party that doesnt want power for itself but for YOU its time for a change it time for New Era more infomation about new era can be found here join us today to make a change we need you because you count!!

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