NEW Alliances, Resume, SH / Eng

Day 2,259, 04:38 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Sidarta Milidragovic
The English version below

Dobar dan, dobri ljudi

Prvo da se zahvalim Holandiji na pomoći oko mog puta oko svijeta.

Thanks Netherlands

I da se izvinim zbog dugog čekanja na drugi dio članka o novim savezima,
Ali jednostavno situacija je mnogo komplikovanija nego što mi se činilo u prvi mah.

Pa da krenem sa analizom.

Ideja koja se pojavljuje ovih dana u javnosti o velikom savezu je prosto nemoguća u ovom momentu zbog velike turbulencije u medjunarodnim odnosima.

1. Za sada je izvjestno samo proširenje saveza Asgard sa Kanadom, Irskom i eventualno Rusijom.
Što bi uz Švedsku,Norvešku i Finsku činilo respektibilnu silu.

2. Chile i Argentina su zakopali ratne sjekire što daje veliku snagu ovim zemljama u formiranu jakog saveza.

Iako oni spominju veliki latinoamerički savez, ja smatram da im je ipak potrebno nekoliko jačih evropskih zemalja /npr. Grčka, Rumunija / koji bi im prije svega dali potrebno iskustvo, ali i snagu - DMG u D4, da bi bili savez za respekt.

A vidim sledeće zemlje u tom savezu:

3. Srbija je konačno ozbiljno aktivirala diplomatiju, ali suviše kasno da okupi oko sebe dovoljno jake zemlje za jak savez.
Trenutno Srbija može da okupi oko sabe stare saveznike Sloveniju i Madjarsku, plus nekoliko manjih zemalja i to bi izgledalo ovako.

4. Poljska je na velikom raskršću ili da se odrekne Španije i pridruži bloku zemalja oko Argentine i Grčke ili da pokuša sa Španijom, Brazil, USA, Hrvatskom i zemljama oko njih formira savez sličan CTRL.

To bi ovako izgledalo:

Ostale zemlje koje nisam naveo ne vidim ni u jednom od potencijlnih saveza,
Nadam se daće me njihove diplomate demantovati.

Toliko od mene za ovaj put, nadam se da vam se dopada članak i da imate zanimljive informacije,prijedloge ili sugestije koje čete ostaviti u komentarima.

Pozdrav do sledečeg čitanja, vaš SM


Good day good people,

First I would like to thank the Netherlands for helping me with my trip around the world.

Thanks Netherlands

I must apologize for the long delay for the second part of the article about the new alliances, but simply the situation is much more complicated than it seemed at first glance.

Let's start with the analysis;

The idea that appeared in public these days, of one great alliance is simply impossible at the moment due to high turbulences in international relations.

1. Only certainty at this moment is an extension of Asgard alliance with Canada, Ireland and possibly Russia, which would with Sweden, Norway and Finland present a respectable force in future.

2. Chile and Argentina have buried the war hatchet which gives great power to these countries for forming a strong alliance. Although they mention the great Latin American alliance, I think they still need a few stronger European countries /eg Greece, Romania /, which will at the first place provide them the necessary experience but and strengths - DMG in D4 to become an alliance to respect.
I see the following countries in the alliance

3. Serbia finally activated serious diplomacy after a long time, but too late to gather around him strong enough countries for a strong alliance. Currently Serbia can gather around an old ally, Slovenia and Hungary, plus a few smaller countries and it would look like this:

4. Poland is at the large crossroad, either to deny Spain and join the bloc of countries around Argentina and Greece, or to try to form with Spain, Brazil, USA, Croatia and the countries around them an alliance similar to the CTRL.
It would look like this

Other countries which I didn’t mentioned I don’t see in any of potential alliances.
I hope that their diplomats will deny me.

If you have interesting information or suggestions
please put in a comment
Sorry for bad english

sincerely yours SM