Need time for erepublik? Tips 6, 7

Day 847, 13:12 Published in China Spain by florasmo11

A few weeks ago, I was coming very late home from work, as my wife encountered me with a sour face:

- “Where have you been?”, she aggressively asked
- “Honey, I have to admit”, I replied, “I have an affair with a beautiful brunette. I took her out dining, then we made love in the car…”
- “You lying bastard! Whom are you trying to fool?” she started yelling. “You are unable of performing crazy sex to another person, least to say another woman! You were at work, playing that f*****g stupid waste of human time called Erepublik! If it happens again, you’re out of here!”

So, based on this experience, I have decided to actively involve in boosting up the quality of life of my fellow community members, by writing this

6. Get kidnapped !

With a little bit of planning, you can arrange a fake kidnapping, which will buy you a few days, maybe even weeks, of uninterrupted Erepublik experience. This strategy is extremely useful if you win the elections as country president or if you achieve important positions in your virtual life (Supreme Commander of the Army, Prime Minister or stuff like that). Take care, you have to have a solid justification about how you got kidnapped together with your laptop and 3G modem!

7. Get abducted ! (upgraded tactic no.6 – for really stupid wives)

For the lucky ones who have a wife with a sub-standard IQ (I can only admire their power of anticipation), you can upgrade tactics no.6 and pretend you have been abducted by aliens! This will allow you much more space for maneuver, because it will get the police / special forces or other institutions looking for you off your back.

check tips 1, 2
and 3, 4, 5.

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